TB minutes 7-18-24
Minutes of July 2024 Town Board Meeting
The July Meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper notice of the
meeting had been given.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor
Adam Watson, second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak, motion carried.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was then approved
for filing with a motion by Jason, second by Adam, motion carried.
Operator’s Licenses for employees of Prairie Hawk Winery were approved with a motion
by Adam, second by Jason, motion carried.
Candidates for Adams County Treasurer were in attendance. K.P. Samson introduced
herself and gave reasons why she should be the new County Treasurer to replace Jani
Zander who is retiring. K.P. is the current Deputy Treasurer with six years of
experience, a lifelong County resident, and is active in the Fire District. Kara Dolezal
also wishes to be County Treasurer. She is currently the Treasurer for the Town of
Lincoln and has spent much of her life living in the County. The two candidates will be
on the Republican ballot for the August 13, 2024 Partisan Primary.
Adam moved to ratify the contract with Dells/Delton Ambulance Service. Jeson
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Clerk noted that the Public Test of the voting equipment will be conducted August
3 rd at 10:00 a.m. and that a large open records request had been received and will need
to be addressed. Bill Ebert reported that Gale Avenue is breaking up rapidly and will
need significant repairs soon. County Board Supervisor Jay Churco reported that the
Resolution regarding County financing had been defeated again, and that the County
Corporation Counsel had resigned to take on the duties of Judge elsewhere.
Adam moved and Jason seconded to approve all invoices as presented. Motion
Future agenda items shall include spraying of brush.
The next regular meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on August 15 th .
Adam moved and Jason seconded for adjournment and Tory declared the meeting
adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Crothers, Town Clerk
The July Meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper notice of the
meeting had been given.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor
Adam Watson, second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak, motion carried.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was then approved
for filing with a motion by Jason, second by Adam, motion carried.
Operator’s Licenses for employees of Prairie Hawk Winery were approved with a motion
by Adam, second by Jason, motion carried.
Candidates for Adams County Treasurer were in attendance. K.P. Samson introduced
herself and gave reasons why she should be the new County Treasurer to replace Jani
Zander who is retiring. K.P. is the current Deputy Treasurer with six years of
experience, a lifelong County resident, and is active in the Fire District. Kara Dolezal
also wishes to be County Treasurer. She is currently the Treasurer for the Town of
Lincoln and has spent much of her life living in the County. The two candidates will be
on the Republican ballot for the August 13, 2024 Partisan Primary.
Adam moved to ratify the contract with Dells/Delton Ambulance Service. Jeson
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Clerk noted that the Public Test of the voting equipment will be conducted August
3 rd at 10:00 a.m. and that a large open records request had been received and will need
to be addressed. Bill Ebert reported that Gale Avenue is breaking up rapidly and will
need significant repairs soon. County Board Supervisor Jay Churco reported that the
Resolution regarding County financing had been defeated again, and that the County
Corporation Counsel had resigned to take on the duties of Judge elsewhere.
Adam moved and Jason seconded to approve all invoices as presented. Motion
Future agenda items shall include spraying of brush.
The next regular meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on August 15 th .
Adam moved and Jason seconded for adjournment and Tory declared the meeting
adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Crothers, Town Clerk