TB agenda 1-21-16
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The Regular Town Board meeting for January, 2016 will be held at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Ct., on
Thursday, January 21, at 7:00 p.m.
A) Call to order
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance with the Open Meeting Law
D) Reading of, corrections to, and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
E) Treasurer’s Report, questions, and approval
F) Statement by Chair that appropriate Citizen Input may be allowed on agenda items at the sole
discretion of the meeting Chairman
G) Old Business: Intersection of Golden Ave. and 3rd Ave. Possibly rescind or amend action taken at
previous meeting.
H) New Business
1. Discuss and possibly act on Ordinance 2016-1 for installing stop signs on 3rd Ave at its
intersection with Golden Ave.
2. Consider approval of a request from Adams-Columbia Electric Co-op for a blanket highway
permit for servicing customers for the year 2016
3. Jeff Delmore of Delmore Consulting will give a presentation of his services and action may
be taken
4. Compensate Lenny Watson for hauling hot mix in 2015
5. Request from engineering firm to use the hall for an informational meeting for landowners
on County P west of County G
I) Reports of Board Members, Road superintendent, and Committees
J) Presentation, approval, and payment of bills
K) Set date for next meeting
L) Adjournment
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The Regular Town Board meeting for January, 2016 will be held at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Ct., on
Thursday, January 21, at 7:00 p.m.
A) Call to order
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance with the Open Meeting Law
D) Reading of, corrections to, and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
E) Treasurer’s Report, questions, and approval
F) Statement by Chair that appropriate Citizen Input may be allowed on agenda items at the sole
discretion of the meeting Chairman
G) Old Business: Intersection of Golden Ave. and 3rd Ave. Possibly rescind or amend action taken at
previous meeting.
H) New Business
1. Discuss and possibly act on Ordinance 2016-1 for installing stop signs on 3rd Ave at its
intersection with Golden Ave.
2. Consider approval of a request from Adams-Columbia Electric Co-op for a blanket highway
permit for servicing customers for the year 2016
3. Jeff Delmore of Delmore Consulting will give a presentation of his services and action may
be taken
4. Compensate Lenny Watson for hauling hot mix in 2015
5. Request from engineering firm to use the hall for an informational meeting for landowners
on County P west of County G
I) Reports of Board Members, Road superintendent, and Committees
J) Presentation, approval, and payment of bills
K) Set date for next meeting
L) Adjournment