TB agenda 12-17-15
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting for December, 2015 will be held at the Town Hall,
330 Golden Ct., on Thursday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Statement of Compliance with the Open Meeting Law
4. Reading of, corrections to, and approval of previous meeting minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report, questions, comments, and approval
6. Statement by Town Chairman that appropriate Citizen Input and questions may be
allowed on agenda items at the sole discretion of the Chairman
7. Old Business
a) Safety concerns and options for the intersection of 3rd Ave. and Golden Ave. and
taking any action necessary
8. New Business
a) Appointment of the following as Election Inspectors for the 2016-2017 term:
Betty Licitar, Michelle Hammerly, Jay Hammerly, Eileen Kessenich, Cheryl Coon,
Karren Watson, and Gina Lindner.
9. Discuss and decide on compensation for the work done by the Chairman of the Town
Land Use Committee.
10. Audit the Clerks Ledger for the end of the year.
11. Reports of Committees, Road Superintendent, and Board Members
12. Presentation, approval, and payment of Bills
13. Set date for next meeting
14. Adjournment
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting for December, 2015 will be held at the Town Hall,
330 Golden Ct., on Thursday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Statement of Compliance with the Open Meeting Law
4. Reading of, corrections to, and approval of previous meeting minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report, questions, comments, and approval
6. Statement by Town Chairman that appropriate Citizen Input and questions may be
allowed on agenda items at the sole discretion of the Chairman
7. Old Business
a) Safety concerns and options for the intersection of 3rd Ave. and Golden Ave. and
taking any action necessary
8. New Business
a) Appointment of the following as Election Inspectors for the 2016-2017 term:
Betty Licitar, Michelle Hammerly, Jay Hammerly, Eileen Kessenich, Cheryl Coon,
Karren Watson, and Gina Lindner.
9. Discuss and decide on compensation for the work done by the Chairman of the Town
Land Use Committee.
10. Audit the Clerks Ledger for the end of the year.
11. Reports of Committees, Road Superintendent, and Board Members
12. Presentation, approval, and payment of Bills
13. Set date for next meeting
14. Adjournment
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk