TB agenda 5-18-16
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The regular monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Court, Wisconsin Dells, on Wednesday, May 18, 2016.
A. Call to Order.
B. Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Statement of Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
D. Reading of, corrections to, and approval of Minutes of previous meeting.
E. Presentation and approval of Treasurer’s Report.
F. Statement by meeting Chairman that appropriate and pertinent citizen discussion and questions on the various agenda items may be allowed during the course of the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman.
G. Old Business:
1. Report of findings from Road Inspection held on May 9, 2016;
2. Recommendations from Delmore Consulting;
3. Gravel for Ellis Driveway/2nd Court.
H. New Business:
1. Rand Atkinson rezone request information;
2. Jason Lindner request to close a portion of Glen Ave;
3. Review Bids for Road Mowing for the year;
4. Discuss road projects for the year.
I. Reports of Board Members, Road Superintendent, and Committees.
J. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills.
K. Set date and time for next meeting.
L. Adjournment.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The regular monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Court, Wisconsin Dells, on Wednesday, May 18, 2016.
A. Call to Order.
B. Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Statement of Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
D. Reading of, corrections to, and approval of Minutes of previous meeting.
E. Presentation and approval of Treasurer’s Report.
F. Statement by meeting Chairman that appropriate and pertinent citizen discussion and questions on the various agenda items may be allowed during the course of the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman.
G. Old Business:
1. Report of findings from Road Inspection held on May 9, 2016;
2. Recommendations from Delmore Consulting;
3. Gravel for Ellis Driveway/2nd Court.
H. New Business:
1. Rand Atkinson rezone request information;
2. Jason Lindner request to close a portion of Glen Ave;
3. Review Bids for Road Mowing for the year;
4. Discuss road projects for the year.
I. Reports of Board Members, Road Superintendent, and Committees.
J. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills.
K. Set date and time for next meeting.
L. Adjournment.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk