TB agenda 6-16-16
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The regular monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall,
330 Golden Court, Wisconsin Dells, on Thursday, June 16, 2016.
A. Call to Order.
B. Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Statement of Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
D. Reading of, corrections to and approval of minutes of previous meetings.
E. Presentation and approval of Treasurers Report
F. Statement by meeting Chairman that appropriate and pertinent citizen discussion and questions
on the various agenda items may be allowed during the course of the meeting at the discretion
of the Chairman.
G. Old Business: None at this time.
H. New Business:
1. Request by Josh Czys for Town approval to rezone one acre from A-3 to R-1;
2. Discuss and review road bids and award contracts based on the bids;
3. Approve Beverage and Liquor and Operators Licenses as follows:
a) Class A Fermented Malt Beverage License for Lake Mason Campground;
b) Class B Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses for Antiques and Crystal Inn, Wagon Wheel
Campground, Prairie Hawk Winery, and Granny’s LLC.
c) Class B Combination Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor Licenses for Club
23 and The Cove;
d) Special Class B Retailers Winery License for Prairie Hawk Winery;
e) Operators Licenses for Stan Baxter, Jane Stroede, Kelsie Summers, Lonnie Fisher,
Christopher Swart, Christine Coscino, Nicole Dockerty, Patricia Roehl, Robert Reimer,
Richard Baker, Sandra Steffen, and Aston Walters.
I. Reports of Board Members, Road Superintendent, and Committees.
J. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills.
K. Set time and date for next meeting.
L. Adjournment.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The regular monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall,
330 Golden Court, Wisconsin Dells, on Thursday, June 16, 2016.
A. Call to Order.
B. Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Statement of Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
D. Reading of, corrections to and approval of minutes of previous meetings.
E. Presentation and approval of Treasurers Report
F. Statement by meeting Chairman that appropriate and pertinent citizen discussion and questions
on the various agenda items may be allowed during the course of the meeting at the discretion
of the Chairman.
G. Old Business: None at this time.
H. New Business:
1. Request by Josh Czys for Town approval to rezone one acre from A-3 to R-1;
2. Discuss and review road bids and award contracts based on the bids;
3. Approve Beverage and Liquor and Operators Licenses as follows:
a) Class A Fermented Malt Beverage License for Lake Mason Campground;
b) Class B Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses for Antiques and Crystal Inn, Wagon Wheel
Campground, Prairie Hawk Winery, and Granny’s LLC.
c) Class B Combination Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor Licenses for Club
23 and The Cove;
d) Special Class B Retailers Winery License for Prairie Hawk Winery;
e) Operators Licenses for Stan Baxter, Jane Stroede, Kelsie Summers, Lonnie Fisher,
Christopher Swart, Christine Coscino, Nicole Dockerty, Patricia Roehl, Robert Reimer,
Richard Baker, Sandra Steffen, and Aston Walters.
I. Reports of Board Members, Road Superintendent, and Committees.
J. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills.
K. Set time and date for next meeting.
L. Adjournment.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk