TB agenda 6-18-15
Town Of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The Regular Town Board Meeting for June, 2015 will be held at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Ct., on
Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
A) Call to order
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance with Open Meeting law
D) Reading, corrections, and approval of previous meeting minutes
E) Treasurers Report, questions, and approval
F) Statement that appropriate Citizen input may be allowed on agenda items at the sole discretion
of the meeting chairman
G) Old Business
1. Discuss, review, and act upon Agreement with Alliant Energy/WPL
H) New Business
1. Approval of Liquor, Beer, Winery, Cigarette and Operators Licenses as follows:
a) Class A Beer, Lake Mason Campground
b) Class B Beer, Antiques and Lace Inn, Wagon Wheel Campground, and Prairie Hawk
c) Class B Wine, Prairie Hawk Winery
d) Class B Combination Beer and Liquor, Club 23 and The Cove
e) Cigarette and Tobacco, Wagon Wheel Campground, Lake Mason Campground, and Club
f) Operators Licenses for Kishah Langham, Sandra Steffen, Jade Ripp, Lonnie Fisher, Jenny
Krause, Robert Reimer, and Richard Baker.
2. Mobile Home Park License Renewal for Berry Ridge Estates
3. Opening of Bids for repair of 2nd from 23 North to Golden
4. Discuss and possibly act upon Snow Plowing for 2015-2016
5. Discuss options for new Town Attorney
6. Reports of Committees and Board Members, if any
7. Concerns for discussions at future meetings
8. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills
9. Set date for next meeting
10. Adjournment
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
Town Of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The Regular Town Board Meeting for June, 2015 will be held at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Ct., on
Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
A) Call to order
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance with Open Meeting law
D) Reading, corrections, and approval of previous meeting minutes
E) Treasurers Report, questions, and approval
F) Statement that appropriate Citizen input may be allowed on agenda items at the sole discretion
of the meeting chairman
G) Old Business
1. Discuss, review, and act upon Agreement with Alliant Energy/WPL
H) New Business
1. Approval of Liquor, Beer, Winery, Cigarette and Operators Licenses as follows:
a) Class A Beer, Lake Mason Campground
b) Class B Beer, Antiques and Lace Inn, Wagon Wheel Campground, and Prairie Hawk
c) Class B Wine, Prairie Hawk Winery
d) Class B Combination Beer and Liquor, Club 23 and The Cove
e) Cigarette and Tobacco, Wagon Wheel Campground, Lake Mason Campground, and Club
f) Operators Licenses for Kishah Langham, Sandra Steffen, Jade Ripp, Lonnie Fisher, Jenny
Krause, Robert Reimer, and Richard Baker.
2. Mobile Home Park License Renewal for Berry Ridge Estates
3. Opening of Bids for repair of 2nd from 23 North to Golden
4. Discuss and possibly act upon Snow Plowing for 2015-2016
5. Discuss options for new Town Attorney
6. Reports of Committees and Board Members, if any
7. Concerns for discussions at future meetings
8. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills
9. Set date for next meeting
10. Adjournment
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk