TB agenda 6-18-20
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The June, 2020 Meeting of the New Haven Town Board will convene at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 18
at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Ct., Wisconsin Dells, WI
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Statement of Compliance with State Open Meeting Law
D. Reading of, corrections to, and approval of the Minutes of previous meeting
E. Presentation, questions, and approval of Treasurer’s Report
F. Statement by meeting chairman inviting appropriate and pertinent citizen participation
G. Old Business
1. Crack filling
2. 4
th Drive repairs
3. Mowing and brushing
H. New Business
1. Consider and act upon the request of Dan Gannon to divide 10.94 acres lying NE of 1st Lane
and rezone from A1-35 to A-3 and to rezone the remainder, lying SW of 1
st Lane, from A1-35
to A1-15 to make it conforming. This is Lot 1, CSM 5551 in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of S12-
2. Consider and act upon the request of James and Synda Spencer for approval of a Variance to
allow reconstruction of a garage on an existing foundation with reduced setback on their
property at 362 Golden Court
3. Consider and act upon the request of Mary Jacobsen Trust/Derek Polansky to rezone 5 acres
of Lot 2, CSM 5858 in the NE ¼ of NE ¼ of S5-T14N-R73 from A1-35 to A3, and further, to
consider and act upon the request of the same parties for a Conditional Use Permit to use
the property as a base camp for supervised outings for at risk youth
4. Approve the following license applications: Class B Combination for Club 23 and The Cove;
Class B Beer for Prairie Hawk Winery, Granny’s, Wagon Wheel Campground, Antiques and
Crystal Bed and Breakfast; Class A Beer for Lake Mason Campground; Class B Winery for
Prairie Hawk Winery; Cigarette for Lake Mason Campground, Wagon Wheel Campground,
Antiques and Crystal Bed and Breakfast; Operators Licenses for Jim Forsythe, Richard Baker,
Robert Riemer, Nicole Dockerty, Patricia Roehl, Sandi Steffen, Tanya Clausen, Kelsie
Summers, Melissa Winter, Jane Stroede, Amy Riley, Aston Walters.
5. Election costs
I. Reports of board members, committees, and Road Superintendent
J. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills as presented by Clerk
K. Future agenda items
L. Set time and date for next meeting
M. Adjournment
Done this 14th day of June, 2020
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
The June, 2020 Meeting of the New Haven Town Board will convene at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 18
at the Town Hall, 330 Golden Ct., Wisconsin Dells, WI
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Statement of Compliance with State Open Meeting Law
D. Reading of, corrections to, and approval of the Minutes of previous meeting
E. Presentation, questions, and approval of Treasurer’s Report
F. Statement by meeting chairman inviting appropriate and pertinent citizen participation
G. Old Business
1. Crack filling
2. 4
th Drive repairs
3. Mowing and brushing
H. New Business
1. Consider and act upon the request of Dan Gannon to divide 10.94 acres lying NE of 1st Lane
and rezone from A1-35 to A-3 and to rezone the remainder, lying SW of 1
st Lane, from A1-35
to A1-15 to make it conforming. This is Lot 1, CSM 5551 in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of S12-
2. Consider and act upon the request of James and Synda Spencer for approval of a Variance to
allow reconstruction of a garage on an existing foundation with reduced setback on their
property at 362 Golden Court
3. Consider and act upon the request of Mary Jacobsen Trust/Derek Polansky to rezone 5 acres
of Lot 2, CSM 5858 in the NE ¼ of NE ¼ of S5-T14N-R73 from A1-35 to A3, and further, to
consider and act upon the request of the same parties for a Conditional Use Permit to use
the property as a base camp for supervised outings for at risk youth
4. Approve the following license applications: Class B Combination for Club 23 and The Cove;
Class B Beer for Prairie Hawk Winery, Granny’s, Wagon Wheel Campground, Antiques and
Crystal Bed and Breakfast; Class A Beer for Lake Mason Campground; Class B Winery for
Prairie Hawk Winery; Cigarette for Lake Mason Campground, Wagon Wheel Campground,
Antiques and Crystal Bed and Breakfast; Operators Licenses for Jim Forsythe, Richard Baker,
Robert Riemer, Nicole Dockerty, Patricia Roehl, Sandi Steffen, Tanya Clausen, Kelsie
Summers, Melissa Winter, Jane Stroede, Amy Riley, Aston Walters.
5. Election costs
I. Reports of board members, committees, and Road Superintendent
J. Presentation, approval, and payment of bills as presented by Clerk
K. Future agenda items
L. Set time and date for next meeting
M. Adjournment
Done this 14th day of June, 2020
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk