TB minutes 1-16-14
JANUARY 16, 2014-7:00 P.M.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and this meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law by being properly noticed. Motion by Lenny Watson/ Brad Luger to approve the agenda. M/C. Minutes of the December 19, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting were approved with a motion by Brad Luger/Lenny Watson. M/C. The financial report for December 31, 2013 was read with the following balances: NOW account: $2,224.09, Berry Ridge Parking fees: $10,197.52, Money Market account: $3,336.79, Tax account-$268,125.16 CD $19,634.52
Public comment: None at this time.
Old/unfinished business: Petition by Ditter/Alden for discontinuance of a town road. Chairperson Julson attempted to contact MSA surveyor, Greg Rhinehart several times this past month with no response. Until there is new information obtained there will be no action taken.
New business: Application for an “operator’s license” for Karen Hanko, license will be up for renewal as of June 30, 2014, approval for issuance of the license by Luger/Watson. M/C. Application by Rand Atkinson of Bio-Interlink for a permit to bore a 4” PVC pipe through the road right-of-way and under 3rd Avenue to discharge into Big Spring Creek and the permission to temporarily discharge through a pipe placed in a culvert under 3rd Ave. until weather would permit to bore under the road. The New Haven Plan Commission met on Monday, January 13, 2014 and considered the same application. The Plan Commission voted 4-1 to not recommend to the town board, the boring under a town road and the installation of a temporary pipe in the culvert, because of lack of oversight as to what is being discharged into the stream that enters Lake Mason, an already impaired lake. Bob Krause stated that Lake Mason Management District has by laws that prohibits the dumping of harmful substances into the lake. Atkinson stated that he will have a retention basin that will filter out waste and nutrients, and will be using the fertilizer for a plant growing operation and potential sales. Curt VanSchoyck stated that a 1992 lake study indicated a problem of excessive nutrients in Lake Mason, and asked why would you subject the lake to more? Motion by Watson to approve the boring under town road and the temporary discharge of waste water through a pipe in culvert, there was no second to the motion and on a roll-call vote: Julson voted-no, Luger voted-no and Watson voted-yes. Motion failed. Application by Rand Atkinson of Bio-Interlink for a Conditional Use Permit to utilize the 1.8 acres at 4002 3rd Lane for aquaculture (fish farming) to include the hatching and rearing of fish/livestock on less than 2 acres, normally zoning doesn’t allow livestock on less than 2 acres, and also allowing any waste from the culture in the growing of plants and the sale of both. Mr. Atkinson stated that this fish operation could be a pilot program for other farmers to get involved in that have vacant silos on their properties, and that he would direct them as how to get set up. Mr. Atkinson could be selling them the fingerlings to get started. That raised another concern as to the vast amounts of groundwater extraction for all these additional fish growing operations. The Plan Commission again on January 13, 2014 voted 4-1 not recommending the approval of the Conditional Use Permit to the town board, for the following reasons: 1) the proposed fish operation goes against the New Haven Comprehensive Plan. 2) the applicant has declined a courtesy review of the fish operation by the DNR, 3) the continuous vast amounts of ground water being extracted out of a protection area (New Haven has an Groundwater Protection Ordinance) and also unmonitored waste being discharged into an already impaired lake, 4)lack of over sight on the whole proposed project. Myron Byers stated that his concern is rainbow trout are very susceptible to disease, and could this transport into Lake Mason. A motion was brought to approve the conditional use permit for Rand Atkinson of Bio-Interlink by Watson. There was no second to this motion. Roll call vote: Julson voted-no, Luger voted-no and Watson voted-yes. Motion failed.
Town Chair, County Board or Committee reports: None at this time.
Disbursements: were read by the town clerk and approved with a motion by Watson/Luger. M/C. This meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. until February 20, 2014 with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 2/20/2014.)
JANUARY 16, 2014-7:00 P.M.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and this meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law by being properly noticed. Motion by Lenny Watson/ Brad Luger to approve the agenda. M/C. Minutes of the December 19, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting were approved with a motion by Brad Luger/Lenny Watson. M/C. The financial report for December 31, 2013 was read with the following balances: NOW account: $2,224.09, Berry Ridge Parking fees: $10,197.52, Money Market account: $3,336.79, Tax account-$268,125.16 CD $19,634.52
Public comment: None at this time.
Old/unfinished business: Petition by Ditter/Alden for discontinuance of a town road. Chairperson Julson attempted to contact MSA surveyor, Greg Rhinehart several times this past month with no response. Until there is new information obtained there will be no action taken.
New business: Application for an “operator’s license” for Karen Hanko, license will be up for renewal as of June 30, 2014, approval for issuance of the license by Luger/Watson. M/C. Application by Rand Atkinson of Bio-Interlink for a permit to bore a 4” PVC pipe through the road right-of-way and under 3rd Avenue to discharge into Big Spring Creek and the permission to temporarily discharge through a pipe placed in a culvert under 3rd Ave. until weather would permit to bore under the road. The New Haven Plan Commission met on Monday, January 13, 2014 and considered the same application. The Plan Commission voted 4-1 to not recommend to the town board, the boring under a town road and the installation of a temporary pipe in the culvert, because of lack of oversight as to what is being discharged into the stream that enters Lake Mason, an already impaired lake. Bob Krause stated that Lake Mason Management District has by laws that prohibits the dumping of harmful substances into the lake. Atkinson stated that he will have a retention basin that will filter out waste and nutrients, and will be using the fertilizer for a plant growing operation and potential sales. Curt VanSchoyck stated that a 1992 lake study indicated a problem of excessive nutrients in Lake Mason, and asked why would you subject the lake to more? Motion by Watson to approve the boring under town road and the temporary discharge of waste water through a pipe in culvert, there was no second to the motion and on a roll-call vote: Julson voted-no, Luger voted-no and Watson voted-yes. Motion failed. Application by Rand Atkinson of Bio-Interlink for a Conditional Use Permit to utilize the 1.8 acres at 4002 3rd Lane for aquaculture (fish farming) to include the hatching and rearing of fish/livestock on less than 2 acres, normally zoning doesn’t allow livestock on less than 2 acres, and also allowing any waste from the culture in the growing of plants and the sale of both. Mr. Atkinson stated that this fish operation could be a pilot program for other farmers to get involved in that have vacant silos on their properties, and that he would direct them as how to get set up. Mr. Atkinson could be selling them the fingerlings to get started. That raised another concern as to the vast amounts of groundwater extraction for all these additional fish growing operations. The Plan Commission again on January 13, 2014 voted 4-1 not recommending the approval of the Conditional Use Permit to the town board, for the following reasons: 1) the proposed fish operation goes against the New Haven Comprehensive Plan. 2) the applicant has declined a courtesy review of the fish operation by the DNR, 3) the continuous vast amounts of ground water being extracted out of a protection area (New Haven has an Groundwater Protection Ordinance) and also unmonitored waste being discharged into an already impaired lake, 4)lack of over sight on the whole proposed project. Myron Byers stated that his concern is rainbow trout are very susceptible to disease, and could this transport into Lake Mason. A motion was brought to approve the conditional use permit for Rand Atkinson of Bio-Interlink by Watson. There was no second to this motion. Roll call vote: Julson voted-no, Luger voted-no and Watson voted-yes. Motion failed.
Town Chair, County Board or Committee reports: None at this time.
Disbursements: were read by the town clerk and approved with a motion by Watson/Luger. M/C. This meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. until February 20, 2014 with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 2/20/2014.)