TB Minutes 10-16-14
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014-7:00 p.m.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all board members present.
This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law by being properly noticed. The agenda was approved with a motion by Brad Luger/Lenny Watson. M/C. Meeting minutes of the regular monthly town board meeting of September 18, 2014 were approved with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. The financial report was read by the town Treasurer, with the following balances as of September 30, 2014: NOW account: $9,324.54, (Treasurer reported there was an error on the final balance of the NOW account on the September 2014 financial report. Should have read $16,525.58.) Berry Ridge Parking fees: $7,141.08, MMDA: closed out and merged into NOW account, Tax account: temporarily closed out, and CD: $19,685.96.
Public comment:
The passing of the former transfer-site attendant Virgil List was recognized by a moment of silence. Chairman Julson stated that Virgil was a good employee and was respected by all.
Old or unfinished business:
1) Quote for snow removal on town roads submitted by Thome Enterprises for $125 per hour straight time with no charges for overtime was accepted with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. The quote from Tom Evans for snow removal at the transfer-site and the town hall for $80.00 per hour plowing and $20.00 per hour shoveling was accepted with a motion by Watson/Luger. M/C.
2) Chairman Julson contacted the Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. for a price on replacing and installing necessary road signs for ten (10 – 4”x6” posts and twelve (12) signs. These signs and posts were quoted for approximately $1725.00-$1800.00 installed. Motion by Luger/Watson to authorize the Chairman to have these signs installed before the ground freezes. M/C.
New business:
1) Certified Survey Maps # 5088 & 2077 were reviewed by the plan commission chairperson and the town board and were in agreement with what the town had
approved at an earlier meeting. Motion by Luger/Watson to have the town chairman sign these documents to be recorded. M/C.
2) The proposed budget hearing was set to start at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, November 20, 2014 with the town meeting of the electors and the regular monthly town board meeting to immediately follow.
County board representative Mark Hamburg was present and gave an update on the County Road P project from County Road G east to the Marquette county line, with there being several options such as removing the curves and making the road safer costing approximately $6.3 million or possibly pulverizing and overlaying as the road as is currently laid out costing a little over $2 million. Hamburg also reported that department budgets are coming in approximately the same or a little under last years.
Disbursements were read by the town clerk. The town clerk was instructed to contact Wood Law regarding two charges that the board felt shouldn’t have been the town’s responsibility, totaling $28.00. Disbursements were accepted for payment with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. (Note: the town clerk contacted Wood Law on Friday, October 17, 2014 and obtained a $28.00 credit to the town’s account.)
Motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, November 20, 2014 by Luger/Watson. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk
Town of New Haven
( These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on November 20, 2014.)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014-7:00 p.m.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all board members present.
This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law by being properly noticed. The agenda was approved with a motion by Brad Luger/Lenny Watson. M/C. Meeting minutes of the regular monthly town board meeting of September 18, 2014 were approved with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. The financial report was read by the town Treasurer, with the following balances as of September 30, 2014: NOW account: $9,324.54, (Treasurer reported there was an error on the final balance of the NOW account on the September 2014 financial report. Should have read $16,525.58.) Berry Ridge Parking fees: $7,141.08, MMDA: closed out and merged into NOW account, Tax account: temporarily closed out, and CD: $19,685.96.
Public comment:
The passing of the former transfer-site attendant Virgil List was recognized by a moment of silence. Chairman Julson stated that Virgil was a good employee and was respected by all.
Old or unfinished business:
1) Quote for snow removal on town roads submitted by Thome Enterprises for $125 per hour straight time with no charges for overtime was accepted with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. The quote from Tom Evans for snow removal at the transfer-site and the town hall for $80.00 per hour plowing and $20.00 per hour shoveling was accepted with a motion by Watson/Luger. M/C.
2) Chairman Julson contacted the Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. for a price on replacing and installing necessary road signs for ten (10 – 4”x6” posts and twelve (12) signs. These signs and posts were quoted for approximately $1725.00-$1800.00 installed. Motion by Luger/Watson to authorize the Chairman to have these signs installed before the ground freezes. M/C.
New business:
1) Certified Survey Maps # 5088 & 2077 were reviewed by the plan commission chairperson and the town board and were in agreement with what the town had
approved at an earlier meeting. Motion by Luger/Watson to have the town chairman sign these documents to be recorded. M/C.
2) The proposed budget hearing was set to start at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, November 20, 2014 with the town meeting of the electors and the regular monthly town board meeting to immediately follow.
County board representative Mark Hamburg was present and gave an update on the County Road P project from County Road G east to the Marquette county line, with there being several options such as removing the curves and making the road safer costing approximately $6.3 million or possibly pulverizing and overlaying as the road as is currently laid out costing a little over $2 million. Hamburg also reported that department budgets are coming in approximately the same or a little under last years.
Disbursements were read by the town clerk. The town clerk was instructed to contact Wood Law regarding two charges that the board felt shouldn’t have been the town’s responsibility, totaling $28.00. Disbursements were accepted for payment with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. (Note: the town clerk contacted Wood Law on Friday, October 17, 2014 and obtained a $28.00 credit to the town’s account.)
Motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, November 20, 2014 by Luger/Watson. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk
Town of New Haven
( These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on November 20, 2014.)