TB minutes 11-19-20
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Proceedings/Minutes of November 19, 2020
At 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 2020, Chairman Tory Wolfram convened the Annual
Town Budget Hearing. The Clerk presented the budget for 2021 in detail, it being a 1.39%
increase for the coming year. There were no questions or comments.
At 7:04 p.m. Chairman Wolfram called a Special Town Meeting to order. Adam Watson moved
to adopt the tax levy in the amount of $152,776.00. Tory Wolfram seconded the motion which
then carried by unanimous voice vote.
Adam then moved to increase the Clerk’s salary from $650 per month to $1,000 per month and
to increase the Chairman’s per diem from $60 to $100. Tory seconded and the motion carried
by unanimous voice vote.
Adam moved and Tory seconded to adjourn the Special Town Meeting. The motion carried by
unanimous voice vote and the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
At that time, the regular monthly board meeting was called to order with the Pledge of
Allegiance. The Clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had been given and read the
minutes of the previous meeting which were then approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Chairman Tory Wolfram. Supervisor Bill Ebert was not able to attend
the meeting due to illness.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the monthly Treasurer’s report which was subsequently
approved with a motion, second, and unanimous vote by Adam and Tory.
Adam moved and Tory seconded to approve the 2021 Budget in the amount of $280,236.02 as
presented at the budget hearing. Motion carried
Adam moved and Tory seconded to approve the rezoning request of John and Rita Schaefer to
allow them to construct a new home. Motion carried.
The board agreed to affirm the suggestions made to Adams County Planning and Zoning
regarding placement, use, and storage of camper trailers and will forward those
recommendations, noting agreement with the Town Plan Commission suggestions.
Shoulder work is yet to be done on 4th drive as weather allows. It was agreed to contact the
County Highway department about mowing brush along rights of way within the town.
The next meeting will be held on December 17th and shall include a rezoning request for the
Sellers property and annual audit of the Clerk’s finance book.
Adam moved and Tory seconded to adjourn and the meeting was declared adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
Proceedings/Minutes of November 19, 2020
At 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 2020, Chairman Tory Wolfram convened the Annual
Town Budget Hearing. The Clerk presented the budget for 2021 in detail, it being a 1.39%
increase for the coming year. There were no questions or comments.
At 7:04 p.m. Chairman Wolfram called a Special Town Meeting to order. Adam Watson moved
to adopt the tax levy in the amount of $152,776.00. Tory Wolfram seconded the motion which
then carried by unanimous voice vote.
Adam then moved to increase the Clerk’s salary from $650 per month to $1,000 per month and
to increase the Chairman’s per diem from $60 to $100. Tory seconded and the motion carried
by unanimous voice vote.
Adam moved and Tory seconded to adjourn the Special Town Meeting. The motion carried by
unanimous voice vote and the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
At that time, the regular monthly board meeting was called to order with the Pledge of
Allegiance. The Clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had been given and read the
minutes of the previous meeting which were then approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Chairman Tory Wolfram. Supervisor Bill Ebert was not able to attend
the meeting due to illness.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the monthly Treasurer’s report which was subsequently
approved with a motion, second, and unanimous vote by Adam and Tory.
Adam moved and Tory seconded to approve the 2021 Budget in the amount of $280,236.02 as
presented at the budget hearing. Motion carried
Adam moved and Tory seconded to approve the rezoning request of John and Rita Schaefer to
allow them to construct a new home. Motion carried.
The board agreed to affirm the suggestions made to Adams County Planning and Zoning
regarding placement, use, and storage of camper trailers and will forward those
recommendations, noting agreement with the Town Plan Commission suggestions.
Shoulder work is yet to be done on 4th drive as weather allows. It was agreed to contact the
County Highway department about mowing brush along rights of way within the town.
The next meeting will be held on December 17th and shall include a rezoning request for the
Sellers property and annual audit of the Clerk’s finance book.
Adam moved and Tory seconded to adjourn and the meeting was declared adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk