TB minutes 12-17-15
Minutes of Town of New Haven Regular Monthly Board Meeting
December 18, 2015
The December Meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall
by Chairman Tory Wolfram and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Clerk noted the meeting notice had been posted three days prior to the meeting at Club 23, the
Boat Landing on the South side of Lake Mason, the Town Hall bulletin board, and transmitted
electronically to those who requested it.
Minutes of the previous Special Town Board Meeting with the Town of Douglas and Lake District Boards,
the Special Town Meeting following the Budget Hearing, and the Regular November Board meeting
were read. Supervisor Bill Ebert moved to approve all minutes as read. Supervisor Adam Watson
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented showing balances of $67,134.69 in the NOW account, $9759.99 in
the Berry Ridge account, and $19,754.98 in the CD. Adam moved with a second from Bill to approve the
report as presented. Motion carried.
Chairman Wolfram welcomed appropriate citizen input on the agenda items as they come up.
The intersection of 3rd Avenue and Golden Avenue was discussed. With the opening of the clay mine,
there will be periods of heavy truck traffic on Golden. Trucks stopping at the intersection will do
considerable damage to the intersection. Additionally, if the speed of traffic remains at 45 mph, the
situation could be quite dangerous. Chairman Wolfram stated there were several options available to
alleviate the problem, suggesting initially making the intersection a 4-way stop for a period of time to
allow everyone on 3rd to become accustomed to stopping, lowering the speed on Golden to 25, and
after a period of time, removing the stop signs on Golden to allow thru traffic east and west. Various
suggestions were discussed. Adam then moved to lower the speed limit on Golden from the
intersection with Glen Lane west to County G, to post the 3rd and Golden intersection as a 4-way stop,
then after at least 60 days remove the stop signs on Golden Ave. Bill seconded and the motion carried
Bill moved with a second from Adam to appoint Michelle Hammerly, Jay Hammerly, Eileen Kessenich,
Betty Licitar, Karren Watson, Cheryl Coon, and Gina Lindner as Election Inspectors for the upcoming
term. Motion Carried.
Adam moved and Bill seconded a motion to compensate Pete Joslin for his role as Chairman of the Plan
Commission and for keeping the Town web site up to date in the amount of $500.00. Motion carried.
The Chairman and Supervisors then audited the Clerks Financial Ledger for the year end.
Bills for the month in the amount of $11,766.20 were presented and approved on a motion by Adam
and a second by Bill.
Next meeting will be on January 21, 2016.
Moved by Adam and seconded by Bill to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Ken Crothers, Clerk
December 18, 2015
The December Meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall
by Chairman Tory Wolfram and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Clerk noted the meeting notice had been posted three days prior to the meeting at Club 23, the
Boat Landing on the South side of Lake Mason, the Town Hall bulletin board, and transmitted
electronically to those who requested it.
Minutes of the previous Special Town Board Meeting with the Town of Douglas and Lake District Boards,
the Special Town Meeting following the Budget Hearing, and the Regular November Board meeting
were read. Supervisor Bill Ebert moved to approve all minutes as read. Supervisor Adam Watson
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented showing balances of $67,134.69 in the NOW account, $9759.99 in
the Berry Ridge account, and $19,754.98 in the CD. Adam moved with a second from Bill to approve the
report as presented. Motion carried.
Chairman Wolfram welcomed appropriate citizen input on the agenda items as they come up.
The intersection of 3rd Avenue and Golden Avenue was discussed. With the opening of the clay mine,
there will be periods of heavy truck traffic on Golden. Trucks stopping at the intersection will do
considerable damage to the intersection. Additionally, if the speed of traffic remains at 45 mph, the
situation could be quite dangerous. Chairman Wolfram stated there were several options available to
alleviate the problem, suggesting initially making the intersection a 4-way stop for a period of time to
allow everyone on 3rd to become accustomed to stopping, lowering the speed on Golden to 25, and
after a period of time, removing the stop signs on Golden to allow thru traffic east and west. Various
suggestions were discussed. Adam then moved to lower the speed limit on Golden from the
intersection with Glen Lane west to County G, to post the 3rd and Golden intersection as a 4-way stop,
then after at least 60 days remove the stop signs on Golden Ave. Bill seconded and the motion carried
Bill moved with a second from Adam to appoint Michelle Hammerly, Jay Hammerly, Eileen Kessenich,
Betty Licitar, Karren Watson, Cheryl Coon, and Gina Lindner as Election Inspectors for the upcoming
term. Motion Carried.
Adam moved and Bill seconded a motion to compensate Pete Joslin for his role as Chairman of the Plan
Commission and for keeping the Town web site up to date in the amount of $500.00. Motion carried.
The Chairman and Supervisors then audited the Clerks Financial Ledger for the year end.
Bills for the month in the amount of $11,766.20 were presented and approved on a motion by Adam
and a second by Bill.
Next meeting will be on January 21, 2016.
Moved by Adam and seconded by Bill to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Ken Crothers, Clerk