TB minutes 12-21-23
Minutes of December 21,2023 Town Board Meeting
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The December meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursday, December 21, 2023 at the Town Hall by Town Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had
been given.
Minutes of the Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting, and Regular monthly meeting were read
and approved with a motion from Supervisor Adam Watson and second from Supervisor Jason
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was then approved with a
motion from Jason and second from Adam.
The Clerk presented the Finance Book to the Board for the annual review and audit.
Poll workers for the 2024-2025 election cycle were appointed. They are, Sarah Wolfram,
Barbara Maley, Cheryl Coon, Regina Lindner, Jean Isaacson, Christine Isaacson, Shannon
Churco, Teresa Morse, Sindy Spencer, Kim A. Musiedlak, Victoria Morse, Maya Musiedlak, and
Paisley Lindner.
Adam reported that Gage Klicko will extend the culvert just south of 4020 2 nd Lane to correct a
dangerous situation, beginning tomorrow. Road Superintendent Bill Ebert reported that Rian
Hammerly will cut some dead and leaning trees on 4 th Drive and use the wood for firewood.
Jason Musiedlak will clean up a windfall tree on 2 nd Lane to get it out of the way of the
snowplow. County Board Supervisor Jay Churco reported that the storage shed needed by the
Lake District will likely be placed on the Town owned access to the South side of the lake as
agreed to by the Town Board. He also reported that the new Courthouse roof was completed,
that WiFi is now available in County Parks and new procedures for accessing County offices was
under review. Tory reported that the County boom mower for cutting brush will be here
beginning next week. The Clerk noted that New Haven is the host for the next meeting of the
Adams County Towns Association in January. The Treasurer reported that tax collection is now
Adam moved and Jason seconded to approve payment of all invoices as presented to the Clerk.
Future agenda items will include an update on progress made with brushing. The next regular
meeting will be on January 18, 2024.
Adam moved and Jason seconded for adjournment and Tory declared the meeting adjourned at
7:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Crothers, Clerk,
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The December meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursday, December 21, 2023 at the Town Hall by Town Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had
been given.
Minutes of the Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting, and Regular monthly meeting were read
and approved with a motion from Supervisor Adam Watson and second from Supervisor Jason
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was then approved with a
motion from Jason and second from Adam.
The Clerk presented the Finance Book to the Board for the annual review and audit.
Poll workers for the 2024-2025 election cycle were appointed. They are, Sarah Wolfram,
Barbara Maley, Cheryl Coon, Regina Lindner, Jean Isaacson, Christine Isaacson, Shannon
Churco, Teresa Morse, Sindy Spencer, Kim A. Musiedlak, Victoria Morse, Maya Musiedlak, and
Paisley Lindner.
Adam reported that Gage Klicko will extend the culvert just south of 4020 2 nd Lane to correct a
dangerous situation, beginning tomorrow. Road Superintendent Bill Ebert reported that Rian
Hammerly will cut some dead and leaning trees on 4 th Drive and use the wood for firewood.
Jason Musiedlak will clean up a windfall tree on 2 nd Lane to get it out of the way of the
snowplow. County Board Supervisor Jay Churco reported that the storage shed needed by the
Lake District will likely be placed on the Town owned access to the South side of the lake as
agreed to by the Town Board. He also reported that the new Courthouse roof was completed,
that WiFi is now available in County Parks and new procedures for accessing County offices was
under review. Tory reported that the County boom mower for cutting brush will be here
beginning next week. The Clerk noted that New Haven is the host for the next meeting of the
Adams County Towns Association in January. The Treasurer reported that tax collection is now
Adam moved and Jason seconded to approve payment of all invoices as presented to the Clerk.
Future agenda items will include an update on progress made with brushing. The next regular
meeting will be on January 18, 2024.
Adam moved and Jason seconded for adjournment and Tory declared the meeting adjourned at
7:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Crothers, Clerk,