TB minutes 3-17-22
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Minutes of March 17, 2022 Town Board Meeting
The March meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Chairman Tory Wolfram. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper
notice of the meeting had been given.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read with a motion by
Supervisor Bill Ebert and a second by Supervisor Adam Watson. Motion carried.
Conny Crothers presented the monthly Treasurer’s report which was then approved for filing
with a motion by Supervisor Bill Ebert and a second by Supervisor Adam Watson. Motion
Herrling’s Crack Filling service had presented a map of proposed crack filling projects in the
town. The total bill for the work will be $15,000.00. Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve
the proposal. Motion carried.
On the recommendation of the Clerk, Adam moved and Bill seconded to reduce the poll
workers for the April election to three per shift and a possible fourth to fill in as needed.
Motion carried.
Tory had met with Pat Pare of the Highway Department to view and discuss options to repair
and prevent further washouts on the shoulders of 4 th Drive south of 23.
The Clerk reported that the annual Municipal Financial Reported had been completed and
submitted to the Dept. of Revenue, that absentee ballots for the April election had been sent,
that a training session for operation of the new voting machine will be held in Adams on the
22 nd of March, that the public test of the voting machine will be held on the 26 th at 10:00 a.m.,
and that the County is considering the possibility of providing replacement fire signs to replace
faded ones throughout the County.
Bills presented for the month were approved for payment with a motion by Adam and second
by Bill. Agenda items for next month shall include prioritizing road projects for the year. The
next meeting will be immediately following the Annual Town Meeting which begins at 7:00 p.m.
on April 19, 2022.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at
7:16 p.m.
Ken Crothers, Clerk
Minutes of March 17, 2022 Town Board Meeting
The March meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
Chairman Tory Wolfram. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper
notice of the meeting had been given.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read with a motion by
Supervisor Bill Ebert and a second by Supervisor Adam Watson. Motion carried.
Conny Crothers presented the monthly Treasurer’s report which was then approved for filing
with a motion by Supervisor Bill Ebert and a second by Supervisor Adam Watson. Motion
Herrling’s Crack Filling service had presented a map of proposed crack filling projects in the
town. The total bill for the work will be $15,000.00. Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve
the proposal. Motion carried.
On the recommendation of the Clerk, Adam moved and Bill seconded to reduce the poll
workers for the April election to three per shift and a possible fourth to fill in as needed.
Motion carried.
Tory had met with Pat Pare of the Highway Department to view and discuss options to repair
and prevent further washouts on the shoulders of 4 th Drive south of 23.
The Clerk reported that the annual Municipal Financial Reported had been completed and
submitted to the Dept. of Revenue, that absentee ballots for the April election had been sent,
that a training session for operation of the new voting machine will be held in Adams on the
22 nd of March, that the public test of the voting machine will be held on the 26 th at 10:00 a.m.,
and that the County is considering the possibility of providing replacement fire signs to replace
faded ones throughout the County.
Bills presented for the month were approved for payment with a motion by Adam and second
by Bill. Agenda items for next month shall include prioritizing road projects for the year. The
next meeting will be immediately following the Annual Town Meeting which begins at 7:00 p.m.
on April 19, 2022.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at
7:16 p.m.
Ken Crothers, Clerk