TB minutes 3-21-24
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Minutes of March 2024 Town Board Meeting
The March 2024 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order on Thursday,
March 21, 2024 at the Town Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted
that the proper notice of the meeting had been given.
In attendance, in addition to the Town Board, were Matt and Michael Hernandez, Robert
Salamone, Jay Churco, Road Superintendent Bill Ebert, Leslie Simdon, Gage Klicko, and
Brandon Dillinger.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor
Adam Watson and second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak.
Mr. Dillinger is requesting to rezone 2.5 acres of his 40 acre parcel from the Conservancy
District to Recreational/Residential under the Shoreland Protection District Ordinance. The
property is in the NE1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 25, T14N R7E and is parcel #022-00460-
0000. The Town Plan Commission had reviewed the request in detail and had unanimously
recommended that the Town Board approve the request. The parcel has acreage suitable
for building a house and associated structures. The Town Board reviewed the request and
Adam moved that the Town approve the request and forward their recommendation to the
County Planning and Zoning Department. Jason seconded the motion which was then
approved with a unanimous voice vote.
Bill Ebert was asking for an assistant to aid in road projects that require more than one
person. Gage Klicko has the necessary ability and equipment to do so. The Board agreed to
pay Mr. Klicko per job when his services were used.
The Clerk was instructed to prepare a bid notice for mowing of roadsides for the year. Said
notice shall include two mowings after June 1st and again by October 1st. Notice to be
published in the County newspaper and distributed to those of record who may wish to bid
the job.
The lease of the Transfer Site property has not been adjusted since 2013. Adam moved and
Jason seconded to increase the annual payment to $1,200 per year. Motion carried.
Road Superintendent Bill Ebert presented a list of Fire Signs and Road Signs needed to
replace illegible ones. He also will need 6T of patch material for the year.
County Supervisor Jay Churco reported that the Clean Sweep will be held May 4th and that
access to the business offices of the Courthouse may be improved in the future.
The Clerk noted that the Municipal Finance Report had been filed with the Department of
Revenue and that the Public Test of the voting equipment will be held at 10:00 a.m. on
March 23rd
Invoices presented to the Clerk were approved for payment with a motion by Adam, second
by Jason.
Next meeting agenda items shall include discussion of road projects for the year.
The next regular meeting will be on April 18th at 7:00 p.m.
Jason moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ken Crothers, Town Clerk
Minutes of March 2024 Town Board Meeting
The March 2024 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order on Thursday,
March 21, 2024 at the Town Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted
that the proper notice of the meeting had been given.
In attendance, in addition to the Town Board, were Matt and Michael Hernandez, Robert
Salamone, Jay Churco, Road Superintendent Bill Ebert, Leslie Simdon, Gage Klicko, and
Brandon Dillinger.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor
Adam Watson and second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak.
Mr. Dillinger is requesting to rezone 2.5 acres of his 40 acre parcel from the Conservancy
District to Recreational/Residential under the Shoreland Protection District Ordinance. The
property is in the NE1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 25, T14N R7E and is parcel #022-00460-
0000. The Town Plan Commission had reviewed the request in detail and had unanimously
recommended that the Town Board approve the request. The parcel has acreage suitable
for building a house and associated structures. The Town Board reviewed the request and
Adam moved that the Town approve the request and forward their recommendation to the
County Planning and Zoning Department. Jason seconded the motion which was then
approved with a unanimous voice vote.
Bill Ebert was asking for an assistant to aid in road projects that require more than one
person. Gage Klicko has the necessary ability and equipment to do so. The Board agreed to
pay Mr. Klicko per job when his services were used.
The Clerk was instructed to prepare a bid notice for mowing of roadsides for the year. Said
notice shall include two mowings after June 1st and again by October 1st. Notice to be
published in the County newspaper and distributed to those of record who may wish to bid
the job.
The lease of the Transfer Site property has not been adjusted since 2013. Adam moved and
Jason seconded to increase the annual payment to $1,200 per year. Motion carried.
Road Superintendent Bill Ebert presented a list of Fire Signs and Road Signs needed to
replace illegible ones. He also will need 6T of patch material for the year.
County Supervisor Jay Churco reported that the Clean Sweep will be held May 4th and that
access to the business offices of the Courthouse may be improved in the future.
The Clerk noted that the Municipal Finance Report had been filed with the Department of
Revenue and that the Public Test of the voting equipment will be held at 10:00 a.m. on
March 23rd
Invoices presented to the Clerk were approved for payment with a motion by Adam, second
by Jason.
Next meeting agenda items shall include discussion of road projects for the year.
The next regular meeting will be on April 18th at 7:00 p.m.
Jason moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ken Crothers, Town Clerk