TB minutes 4-20-21 and annual meeting
Minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The 165th Annual Meeting of the Electors of the Town of New Haven was called to order at
7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited
and minutes of the previous Annual Meeting were read. Pete Joslin moved to approve the
minutes as read. Mary Ebert seconded the motion and the minutes were approved with a
unanimous voice vote.
The Town Clerk presented the Annual Financial Report for 2020. Mary Ebert moved to
approve the report as given. Pete Joslin seconded the motion and the Financial Report was
approved as presented with a unanimous voice vote.
There was no old business discussed and the only new business was a concern brought forth
by Bernadette Wisniewski regarding a dead and dangerous tree where Gale Avenue turns south
in the northwest corner of the Town. The tree will cause road blockage when it falls and is in
bad shape.
Pete Joslin moved for adjournment until the third Tuesday of April, 2022. Mary Ebert
seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
Minutes of April 20th, 2021 Town Board Meeting
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Immediately following the Annual Meeting the Town Board meeting convened and the Clerk
noted that posting and emailing notices for the meeting had been done.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Supervisor Bill Ebert.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the monthly Treasurer’s report which was approved for
filing with a motion by Bill and second by Adam.
There are no updates on the cave-in on the west shoulder of 1st Lane and it is expected the
County Highway Department will soon begin excavation to determine the cause and cure for
the problem. Golden Avenue from County G to 5th Ave has had base course placed and
It has been discovered that the culvert under Golden Ave. at the intersection of 5th requires
replacement. This will be done prior to paving.
Chairman Wolfram appointed Jane Gaffney and Pete Joslin as members of the Town Plan
Commission. Also appointed as Chairman of the Plan Commission was Tom Morse Jr. All will
serve for a three year term.
Bill reported that the Fire Sign at 526 Golden Ave. needs replacing. The Clerk noted that
Berry Ridge Mobile Home Park is now being managed by the owners and a local resident has
been hired as a liaison between residents and management. Monthly payments are once again
being received by the Town without prompting and in a regular manner. Pauline Rageth will
mow the Town Hall grass for the year. Town Clean-Up day is scheduled for May 1st. Bill will
attend to securing and grading gravel at the Transfer Site. Pete Joslin was recognized for his
effort and expertise in Chairing the Town Plan Commission and for updating the Comprehensive
Plan. The Hearing for the revised Plan will convene at 7:00 p.m. at the Hall, prior to the
monthly Board meeting on the 20th of May.
Bills presented by the Clerk were approved for payment with a motion by Adam and second
by Bill.
Future agenda items shall include findings at the 1st Lane cave-in and an ordinance approving
the Comprehensive Plan.
Next meeting will be on May 20th, 2021
Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at
7:42 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ken Crothers, Town Clerk
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
The 165th Annual Meeting of the Electors of the Town of New Haven was called to order at
7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited
and minutes of the previous Annual Meeting were read. Pete Joslin moved to approve the
minutes as read. Mary Ebert seconded the motion and the minutes were approved with a
unanimous voice vote.
The Town Clerk presented the Annual Financial Report for 2020. Mary Ebert moved to
approve the report as given. Pete Joslin seconded the motion and the Financial Report was
approved as presented with a unanimous voice vote.
There was no old business discussed and the only new business was a concern brought forth
by Bernadette Wisniewski regarding a dead and dangerous tree where Gale Avenue turns south
in the northwest corner of the Town. The tree will cause road blockage when it falls and is in
bad shape.
Pete Joslin moved for adjournment until the third Tuesday of April, 2022. Mary Ebert
seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned by unanimous voice vote at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
Minutes of April 20th, 2021 Town Board Meeting
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Immediately following the Annual Meeting the Town Board meeting convened and the Clerk
noted that posting and emailing notices for the meeting had been done.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Supervisor Bill Ebert.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the monthly Treasurer’s report which was approved for
filing with a motion by Bill and second by Adam.
There are no updates on the cave-in on the west shoulder of 1st Lane and it is expected the
County Highway Department will soon begin excavation to determine the cause and cure for
the problem. Golden Avenue from County G to 5th Ave has had base course placed and
It has been discovered that the culvert under Golden Ave. at the intersection of 5th requires
replacement. This will be done prior to paving.
Chairman Wolfram appointed Jane Gaffney and Pete Joslin as members of the Town Plan
Commission. Also appointed as Chairman of the Plan Commission was Tom Morse Jr. All will
serve for a three year term.
Bill reported that the Fire Sign at 526 Golden Ave. needs replacing. The Clerk noted that
Berry Ridge Mobile Home Park is now being managed by the owners and a local resident has
been hired as a liaison between residents and management. Monthly payments are once again
being received by the Town without prompting and in a regular manner. Pauline Rageth will
mow the Town Hall grass for the year. Town Clean-Up day is scheduled for May 1st. Bill will
attend to securing and grading gravel at the Transfer Site. Pete Joslin was recognized for his
effort and expertise in Chairing the Town Plan Commission and for updating the Comprehensive
Plan. The Hearing for the revised Plan will convene at 7:00 p.m. at the Hall, prior to the
monthly Board meeting on the 20th of May.
Bills presented by the Clerk were approved for payment with a motion by Adam and second
by Bill.
Future agenda items shall include findings at the 1st Lane cave-in and an ordinance approving
the Comprehensive Plan.
Next meeting will be on May 20th, 2021
Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at
7:42 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ken Crothers, Town Clerk