TB minutes 5-18-23
Minutes of May, 2023 Town Board Meeting
Town of New Haven, Adams County Wisconsin
The May 2023 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 6:15 p.m. on
Thursday, the 18th of May at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been
posted in three places, placed on the web site, and emailed to those who have requested that
form of notification.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak. Motion carried.
The treasurers report was reviewed and approved for filing with a motion by Adam and second
by Jason. Motion carried.
Attorney Miller is working on the ATV/UTV Ordinance and agreement between the Club and the
Town. It should be ready for the next meeting.
Herrlings Crack Filling service is in the process of crack filling up to the agreed amount of
$15,000. The Town of Newport is requesting that New Haven share the cost of repairs to Gulch
Avenue from New Haven Road in Newport to 4th Drive in New Haven. New Haven would pay
approximately $25,000 for its share.
Gale Court will be wedged from 4th west through the most deteriorated areas and 3rd Ave will
be seal coated from Golden Avenue to County Road P.
Tory had been contacted to resolve a boundary fence dispute. The Town can not establish
boundaries and the suggestion was to have the property surveyed. Road Superintendent Bill
Ebert reported that patching was in progress and that Fur Lane, near the Jungenberg property is
in need of wedging.
Invoices presented to the Clerk were approved for payment with a motion by Adam and second
by Jason. Motion carried.
Future agenda items shall include road repairs, ATV/UTV route ordinance, license approvals, and
procuring an AED device for the Town Hall.
The next scheduled meeting of the Town Board will be at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 15th at the
Jason moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at
6:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Crothers, Clerk
Town of New Haven, Adams County Wisconsin
The May 2023 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 6:15 p.m. on
Thursday, the 18th of May at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been
posted in three places, placed on the web site, and emailed to those who have requested that
form of notification.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak. Motion carried.
The treasurers report was reviewed and approved for filing with a motion by Adam and second
by Jason. Motion carried.
Attorney Miller is working on the ATV/UTV Ordinance and agreement between the Club and the
Town. It should be ready for the next meeting.
Herrlings Crack Filling service is in the process of crack filling up to the agreed amount of
$15,000. The Town of Newport is requesting that New Haven share the cost of repairs to Gulch
Avenue from New Haven Road in Newport to 4th Drive in New Haven. New Haven would pay
approximately $25,000 for its share.
Gale Court will be wedged from 4th west through the most deteriorated areas and 3rd Ave will
be seal coated from Golden Avenue to County Road P.
Tory had been contacted to resolve a boundary fence dispute. The Town can not establish
boundaries and the suggestion was to have the property surveyed. Road Superintendent Bill
Ebert reported that patching was in progress and that Fur Lane, near the Jungenberg property is
in need of wedging.
Invoices presented to the Clerk were approved for payment with a motion by Adam and second
by Jason. Motion carried.
Future agenda items shall include road repairs, ATV/UTV route ordinance, license approvals, and
procuring an AED device for the Town Hall.
The next scheduled meeting of the Town Board will be at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 15th at the
Jason moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at
6:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Crothers, Clerk