TB minutes 6-18-20
Town of New Haven, Adams County
Minutes of June 18,2020 Regular Board Meeting
The June meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Town Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted in three locations, emailed to those on record as requesting that form of notification, and was posted to the Town web site.
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved with a motion from Supervisor Adam Watson and a second from Supervisor Bill Ebert. Motion carried.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report for the month. Bill moved and Adam seconded to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
No action was taken on the question of crack filling for the year. More pressing road issues will likely use up the funds.
Bid opening for the repair of 4th Drive will be at noon on the 1st of July at the Town Hall.
Mowing of ditches/right of way will commence next week.
Dan Gannon has requested to divide 10.94 acres lying NE of 1st Lane, Lot 1, CSM 5551 and rezone from A1-35 to A-3, and to rezone the remainder of Lot 1, CSM 5551, lying SW of 1st Lane from A1-35 to A1-15 to make it conforming. The Town Plan Commission has reviewed and approved of the request.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve of the division and rezone. Motion carried.
James and Synda Spencer have requested Town approval for a Variance to allow rebuilding a garage with reduced setbacks on their property located at 362 Golden Court. This is lot 24 of the New Haven Assessors Plat, parcel # 022-00823-0000 in S27-T14N-R7E.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve of the variance. Motion carried.
The Mary Jacobsen Trust, represented by Derek Polansky, is requesting to rezone 5 acres of Lot 2, CSM 5853, Tax parcel #022-00079-0015 in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of S5-T14N R7E from A1-35 to A-3. Also requested, and considered with the rezone request, is approval of a Conditional Use Permit to use the previously described property as a base camp for supervised outings for youth and young adults who have proven themselves as deserving of a recreational experience. The Town Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends for approval of the requests subject to the following conditions:
1. The use of the property shall not:
a. Endanger or threaten to endanger the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare in the area;
b. Have excessive noise complaints;
c. Have an excessive response from law enforcement;
d. Have poor property condition such as garbage or refuse complaints, condition complaints, and general maintenance complaints;
e. Have traffic and parking complaints.
2. Additionally, the following must be followed:
a. There must be a designated contact person/supervisor with phone number on file with the Adams County Planning and Zoning Department;
b. Guests must be supervised/attended at all times;
c. No loud noises after 10:00 p.m. and no fireworks.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve of both requests, subject to the above listed conditions. Motion carried.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for approval of all licenses as prepared by the Clerk and noted in the Agenda for the meeting. Motion carried.
It was agreed to replace the large culvert on Golden Avenue as part of the ditch/drainage project. Age and condition of the existing one is unknown so replacement prior to reconstruction of the road is justified. Adam reported an ATV problem which has since been corrected and noted that lots of sign work needs to be done. The Clerk noted that a complaint had been received regarding ATV use on 2nd Lane.
Bill moved and Adam seconded to pay all bills as presented by the Clerk. Agenda items for next month’s meeting shall include updates of 4th Drive and Golden Avenue work. The Special Meeting to open and decide on bids for 4th Drive will be July 1st and the next regular meeting will be on the 16th of July. Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
Minutes of June 18,2020 Regular Board Meeting
The June meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Town Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted in three locations, emailed to those on record as requesting that form of notification, and was posted to the Town web site.
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved with a motion from Supervisor Adam Watson and a second from Supervisor Bill Ebert. Motion carried.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report for the month. Bill moved and Adam seconded to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
No action was taken on the question of crack filling for the year. More pressing road issues will likely use up the funds.
Bid opening for the repair of 4th Drive will be at noon on the 1st of July at the Town Hall.
Mowing of ditches/right of way will commence next week.
Dan Gannon has requested to divide 10.94 acres lying NE of 1st Lane, Lot 1, CSM 5551 and rezone from A1-35 to A-3, and to rezone the remainder of Lot 1, CSM 5551, lying SW of 1st Lane from A1-35 to A1-15 to make it conforming. The Town Plan Commission has reviewed and approved of the request.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve of the division and rezone. Motion carried.
James and Synda Spencer have requested Town approval for a Variance to allow rebuilding a garage with reduced setbacks on their property located at 362 Golden Court. This is lot 24 of the New Haven Assessors Plat, parcel # 022-00823-0000 in S27-T14N-R7E.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve of the variance. Motion carried.
The Mary Jacobsen Trust, represented by Derek Polansky, is requesting to rezone 5 acres of Lot 2, CSM 5853, Tax parcel #022-00079-0015 in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of S5-T14N R7E from A1-35 to A-3. Also requested, and considered with the rezone request, is approval of a Conditional Use Permit to use the previously described property as a base camp for supervised outings for youth and young adults who have proven themselves as deserving of a recreational experience. The Town Plan Commission has reviewed and recommends for approval of the requests subject to the following conditions:
1. The use of the property shall not:
a. Endanger or threaten to endanger the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare in the area;
b. Have excessive noise complaints;
c. Have an excessive response from law enforcement;
d. Have poor property condition such as garbage or refuse complaints, condition complaints, and general maintenance complaints;
e. Have traffic and parking complaints.
2. Additionally, the following must be followed:
a. There must be a designated contact person/supervisor with phone number on file with the Adams County Planning and Zoning Department;
b. Guests must be supervised/attended at all times;
c. No loud noises after 10:00 p.m. and no fireworks.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve of both requests, subject to the above listed conditions. Motion carried.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for approval of all licenses as prepared by the Clerk and noted in the Agenda for the meeting. Motion carried.
It was agreed to replace the large culvert on Golden Avenue as part of the ditch/drainage project. Age and condition of the existing one is unknown so replacement prior to reconstruction of the road is justified. Adam reported an ATV problem which has since been corrected and noted that lots of sign work needs to be done. The Clerk noted that a complaint had been received regarding ATV use on 2nd Lane.
Bill moved and Adam seconded to pay all bills as presented by the Clerk. Agenda items for next month’s meeting shall include updates of 4th Drive and Golden Avenue work. The Special Meeting to open and decide on bids for 4th Drive will be July 1st and the next regular meeting will be on the 16th of July. Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment and the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk