TB minutes 6-21-18
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Minutes of June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
The Regular Monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursday, June 21st, 2018 at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted
at Club 23, the Public Boat Landing on the south shore of Mason Lake, and at the Town Hall as well as
having been sent electronically to those requesting such means of notification.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and the Clerk noted an error on the date of the special
meeting and Board of Review. Supervisor Bill Ebert moved and Supervisor Adam Watson seconded to
approve the minutes as corrected.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved on a motion by Adam and second by Bill.
The Chairman invited those in attendance to ask appropriate questions and make appropriate
comments during the meeting.
Dave Ditter and Curt VanSchoyck appeared on behalf of the Lake District requesting Town approval
for the placement of buoy’s in various locations of the lake lying in New Haven. Bill moved and Adam
seconded to approve the request. Motion carried. Informal approval was also given for the
construction of an 8X8 storage shed at the public boat landing on the north shore of the lake.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve all Liquor, Beer, Cigarette, and Operators licenses as
presented by the Clerk. Motion Carried.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve the Mobile Home Park License for Berry Ridge with the
condition that by August 31, 2018 appropriate reflective lot markers be in place for each lot and paving
of the driveway be completed from the west end of Lot 32 west and north to the well house, at which
time the Town has the option to complete the work and place the cost as a special charge on the
property tax bill. Motion carried.
Dale Reichhoff reported that Gale Court is in need of a 4ft. bar patch and chip seal. This will be
included with the bid specifications being drawn up by Delmore Consulting.
Gary Hammerly provided a name of a reputable contractor to roof the Hall.
Bill moved and Adam seconded to approve all bills as presented by the Clerk. Motion Carried.
Agenda items for the next meeting shall include reducing the election board for the August primary,
and repairs to the Town Hall roof.
The next meeting will be on July 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment and the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned
at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted.
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
Minutes of June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting
The Regular Monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursday, June 21st, 2018 at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted
at Club 23, the Public Boat Landing on the south shore of Mason Lake, and at the Town Hall as well as
having been sent electronically to those requesting such means of notification.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and the Clerk noted an error on the date of the special
meeting and Board of Review. Supervisor Bill Ebert moved and Supervisor Adam Watson seconded to
approve the minutes as corrected.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved on a motion by Adam and second by Bill.
The Chairman invited those in attendance to ask appropriate questions and make appropriate
comments during the meeting.
Dave Ditter and Curt VanSchoyck appeared on behalf of the Lake District requesting Town approval
for the placement of buoy’s in various locations of the lake lying in New Haven. Bill moved and Adam
seconded to approve the request. Motion carried. Informal approval was also given for the
construction of an 8X8 storage shed at the public boat landing on the north shore of the lake.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve all Liquor, Beer, Cigarette, and Operators licenses as
presented by the Clerk. Motion Carried.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve the Mobile Home Park License for Berry Ridge with the
condition that by August 31, 2018 appropriate reflective lot markers be in place for each lot and paving
of the driveway be completed from the west end of Lot 32 west and north to the well house, at which
time the Town has the option to complete the work and place the cost as a special charge on the
property tax bill. Motion carried.
Dale Reichhoff reported that Gale Court is in need of a 4ft. bar patch and chip seal. This will be
included with the bid specifications being drawn up by Delmore Consulting.
Gary Hammerly provided a name of a reputable contractor to roof the Hall.
Bill moved and Adam seconded to approve all bills as presented by the Clerk. Motion Carried.
Agenda items for the next meeting shall include reducing the election board for the August primary,
and repairs to the Town Hall roof.
The next meeting will be on July 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.
Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment and the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned
at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted.
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk