TB minutes 7-16-15
Minutes of July 16, 2015 Monthly New Haven Town Board Meeting
The July 16, 2015 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at
the town hall by Chairman Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the clerk noted that notice of the meeting had
been posted in three places and transmitted electronically to the Dells Events.
Minutes of the previous regular and one special board meeting were read. Adam Watson
moved and Bill Ebert seconded to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was presented showing balances of $108,632.06 in the NOW account,
$5317.14 in the Berry Ridge account, and $19,737.55 in the CD. Adam moved and Bill
seconded to file the report as presented. Motion carried.
Chairman Wolfram stated that appropriate citizen input would be welcome on agenda items
during the meeting.
Under Old Business it was mentioned that the Alliant Energy Clay Mine proposal would be
reconsidered at the Adams County Board meeting on July 21st, and the 2nd Lane repairs have
been completed.
Under New Business, Dale Reichhoff recommended that brush be cut along the old dam and
that 3rd Lane from Gale Drive to Co. Rd. P be chip sealed. The Clerk will prepare and publish a
bid notice for this project.
Phil McLaughlin, Adams County Zoning Administrator, presented information on the
proposed Forestry District in the County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Comments and
concerns from Ken Huber, Peggy Becker, and Bernadette Wisniewski were addressed.
The Clerk presented a draft of an Ordinance allowing for issuance of Provisional Operators
Licenses and was told to proceed with it.
Dale Reichhoff suggested it may be necessary to raise the Town Levy in order to better
maintain the town roads. Ken Huber suggested mowing further back from the edge of the road
and spraying brush. Culvert problems at Berry Ridge and near Ginthers on Golden Ave. were
Bills for the month in the total amount of $45,804.92 were approved for payment on a
motion by Adam and second by Bill. Motion carried.
Next regular meeting will be August 20th, 2015.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment. Meeting Adjourned at 8:00p.m.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
The July 16, 2015 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at
the town hall by Chairman Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the clerk noted that notice of the meeting had
been posted in three places and transmitted electronically to the Dells Events.
Minutes of the previous regular and one special board meeting were read. Adam Watson
moved and Bill Ebert seconded to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was presented showing balances of $108,632.06 in the NOW account,
$5317.14 in the Berry Ridge account, and $19,737.55 in the CD. Adam moved and Bill
seconded to file the report as presented. Motion carried.
Chairman Wolfram stated that appropriate citizen input would be welcome on agenda items
during the meeting.
Under Old Business it was mentioned that the Alliant Energy Clay Mine proposal would be
reconsidered at the Adams County Board meeting on July 21st, and the 2nd Lane repairs have
been completed.
Under New Business, Dale Reichhoff recommended that brush be cut along the old dam and
that 3rd Lane from Gale Drive to Co. Rd. P be chip sealed. The Clerk will prepare and publish a
bid notice for this project.
Phil McLaughlin, Adams County Zoning Administrator, presented information on the
proposed Forestry District in the County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Comments and
concerns from Ken Huber, Peggy Becker, and Bernadette Wisniewski were addressed.
The Clerk presented a draft of an Ordinance allowing for issuance of Provisional Operators
Licenses and was told to proceed with it.
Dale Reichhoff suggested it may be necessary to raise the Town Levy in order to better
maintain the town roads. Ken Huber suggested mowing further back from the edge of the road
and spraying brush. Culvert problems at Berry Ridge and near Ginthers on Golden Ave. were
Bills for the month in the total amount of $45,804.92 were approved for payment on a
motion by Adam and second by Bill. Motion carried.
Next regular meeting will be August 20th, 2015.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment. Meeting Adjourned at 8:00p.m.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk