TB minutes 7-20-23
Minutes of July 2023 Town Board Meeting
A hearing to consider opinions regarding adoption of the new ATV/UTV Ordinance was called to
order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram. The Chairman asked three
times for those who wanted to speak against the adoption of the Ordinance and no one spoke.
He then asked three times for those who wanted to speak in favor of the adoption and again no
one spoke. The Chairman then closed the hearing at 7:02 p.m.
The regular Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was
recited and the clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had been given. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam Watson and
second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was presented and approved for filing with a motion by Jason and
second by Adam. Motion carried.
Adam moved to rescind Ordinance #10-15-2, ATV/UTV Ordinance and all subsequent
Amendments. Jason seconded and the clerk called a roll call vote. Both Supervisors and the
Chairman voted in favor of the motion and the Ordinance and its amendments is thereby
The new ATV/UTV Ordinance which opens all Town Roads to ATV/UTV traffic, and other than
that, is identical to similar Ordinances in Newport and Dell Prairie was then considered. Jason
moved for the adoption of Ordinance #07-2023 and Adam seconded the motion. The Clerk
called the roll call vote which unanimously approved the motion. Ordinance #07-2023 is
thereby adopted.
Adam moved to approve the agreement between the Town and the Southern Adams County
ATV/UTV Club. Jason seconded. Motion carried.
Adam moved and Jason seconded for the Town to purchase an AED device for the Town Hall for
emergency situations. Motion carried.
The County has delivered a large container for paper and cardboard and Tory has secured two
containers for metal which will be delivered July 25 th .
Vince Espi has filed an open records request for copies of all Absentee Ballot Applications and
Voter ID documents from 2018 to the present and that fees be waived. Adam moved and Jason
seconded to deny the fee waiver portion of the request. Motion carried.
Road Superintendent Bill Ebert reported that Gage Klicko has the equipment and is willing to do
things like culvert replacement.
Invoices presented to the Clerk were reviewed and approved for payment with a motion by
Jason and second by Adam, motion carried.
The next regular meeting will be on August 17 th at 7:00 p.m.
Adam moved and Jason seconded to adjourn the meeting and the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
A hearing to consider opinions regarding adoption of the new ATV/UTV Ordinance was called to
order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram. The Chairman asked three
times for those who wanted to speak against the adoption of the Ordinance and no one spoke.
He then asked three times for those who wanted to speak in favor of the adoption and again no
one spoke. The Chairman then closed the hearing at 7:02 p.m.
The regular Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was
recited and the clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had been given. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam Watson and
second by Supervisor Jason Musiedlak. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was presented and approved for filing with a motion by Jason and
second by Adam. Motion carried.
Adam moved to rescind Ordinance #10-15-2, ATV/UTV Ordinance and all subsequent
Amendments. Jason seconded and the clerk called a roll call vote. Both Supervisors and the
Chairman voted in favor of the motion and the Ordinance and its amendments is thereby
The new ATV/UTV Ordinance which opens all Town Roads to ATV/UTV traffic, and other than
that, is identical to similar Ordinances in Newport and Dell Prairie was then considered. Jason
moved for the adoption of Ordinance #07-2023 and Adam seconded the motion. The Clerk
called the roll call vote which unanimously approved the motion. Ordinance #07-2023 is
thereby adopted.
Adam moved to approve the agreement between the Town and the Southern Adams County
ATV/UTV Club. Jason seconded. Motion carried.
Adam moved and Jason seconded for the Town to purchase an AED device for the Town Hall for
emergency situations. Motion carried.
The County has delivered a large container for paper and cardboard and Tory has secured two
containers for metal which will be delivered July 25 th .
Vince Espi has filed an open records request for copies of all Absentee Ballot Applications and
Voter ID documents from 2018 to the present and that fees be waived. Adam moved and Jason
seconded to deny the fee waiver portion of the request. Motion carried.
Road Superintendent Bill Ebert reported that Gage Klicko has the equipment and is willing to do
things like culvert replacement.
Invoices presented to the Clerk were reviewed and approved for payment with a motion by
Jason and second by Adam, motion carried.
The next regular meeting will be on August 17 th at 7:00 p.m.
Adam moved and Jason seconded to adjourn the meeting and the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk