TB minutes 8-20-15
Minutes of August 20, 2015 Monthly Town Board Meeting
The August 20, 2015 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the town hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted in three places and transmitted electronically to the Dells Events.
Minutes of the previous regular and one special board meeting were read. Bill Ebert moved and Adam Watson seconded to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The treasurers report was presented showing a balances of $83,475.78 in the NOW account, $6,205 in the Berry Ridge account and $19,737.55 in the CD. Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
Chairman Wolfram stated that appropriate citizen input would be welcome on agenda items during the course of the meeting.
Under old business the agreement with Alliant for the clay mine is not finalized yet. Bill moved and Adam seconded to table any action on the agreement at this time. Motion carried.
Under new business, weight restrictions for 3rd Lane were discussed. Adam moved and Bill seconded to place a weight limit of 12,000 lbs. on that portion of road exempting School Busses and emergency vehicles. Motion carried. Tory will contact the Town Attorney for direction as to how to implement this restriction.
Ordinance 08-2015 allowing issuance of Provisional Operators Licenses without a special board meeting was read. Bill moved and Adam seconded for the adoption of the ordinance. Motion carried.
Jim Steingraber, manager of Berry Ridge Estates, requested suggestions and assistance concerning the south entrance to the mobile home park. Various suggestions were discussed and it was agreed to have Dale Reichhoff look at it and devise a solution to alleviate the problem.
Dale reported that there is a very blind driveway which should have a caution sign at 3889 and 3889A on 5th drive
Pat Hickey approached the board about the feasibility of designating certain roads in the Town as ATV Routes. This would require an ordinance to be passed by the board. Since this was not on the agenda it was agreed to be considered at the September board meeting when formal action could be taken.
Bills for the month in the amount of $24,631.57 were presented and approved on a motion by Adam and second by Bill. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting will be held on Sept. 17th, 2015.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
The August 20, 2015 meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the town hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted in three places and transmitted electronically to the Dells Events.
Minutes of the previous regular and one special board meeting were read. Bill Ebert moved and Adam Watson seconded to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The treasurers report was presented showing a balances of $83,475.78 in the NOW account, $6,205 in the Berry Ridge account and $19,737.55 in the CD. Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
Chairman Wolfram stated that appropriate citizen input would be welcome on agenda items during the course of the meeting.
Under old business the agreement with Alliant for the clay mine is not finalized yet. Bill moved and Adam seconded to table any action on the agreement at this time. Motion carried.
Under new business, weight restrictions for 3rd Lane were discussed. Adam moved and Bill seconded to place a weight limit of 12,000 lbs. on that portion of road exempting School Busses and emergency vehicles. Motion carried. Tory will contact the Town Attorney for direction as to how to implement this restriction.
Ordinance 08-2015 allowing issuance of Provisional Operators Licenses without a special board meeting was read. Bill moved and Adam seconded for the adoption of the ordinance. Motion carried.
Jim Steingraber, manager of Berry Ridge Estates, requested suggestions and assistance concerning the south entrance to the mobile home park. Various suggestions were discussed and it was agreed to have Dale Reichhoff look at it and devise a solution to alleviate the problem.
Dale reported that there is a very blind driveway which should have a caution sign at 3889 and 3889A on 5th drive
Pat Hickey approached the board about the feasibility of designating certain roads in the Town as ATV Routes. This would require an ordinance to be passed by the board. Since this was not on the agenda it was agreed to be considered at the September board meeting when formal action could be taken.
Bills for the month in the amount of $24,631.57 were presented and approved on a motion by Adam and second by Bill. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting will be held on Sept. 17th, 2015.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk