TB minutes 8-20-20
Minutes of August 20, 2020 meeting of the New Haven Town Board
The August meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, the
20 th of August by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted in
three locations, emailed to those on record as requesting such notification, and posted on the Town
web site.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam Watson
and second by Supervisor Bill Ebert.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was approved with a motion by Bill
and second by Adam.
The chairman invited those in attendance to ask appropriate questions and make pertinent comments
on the various agenda items through the course of the meeting.
Gasser’s have not yet begun work on 4 th south of 23. The collapsed culvert on 1 st Lane has been
replaced. Work on Golden Ave is progressing. Bill asked if there was a possibility of paving a short
portion of Golden where it is so broken up, even though paving of the road is expected next year. It was
agreed that the final roadside mowing be commenced after October 1 st .
Lois Tucker was in attendance requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to remove an obsolete
mobile home and replace with a new one. No one spoke in opposition and the request was approved
unanimously with a motion by Bill and second by Adam. The thoughts expressed were that this would be
an improvement for everyone concerned.
Kevin Jensen was in attendance requesting approval of rezoning parts of two parcels from A1-35 to A-3
to allow for construction of a new home. The property has access to Hwy 23. No one spoke in
opposition and the request was approved unanimously with a motion by Adam and second by Bill.
Travis Verbanec was in attendance requesting, on behalf Paula Welch, for approval of a Conditional Use
Permit to allow for a licensed private campground. Pete Joslin, Chairman of the Town Plan Commission,
spoke in opposition stating it would not be wise for the Town to get into the business of regulating
private campgrounds and approving one request for such use would open the door for future similar
requests. He stated that the Town Comprehensive Plan included no provision for more campgrounds,
based on a survey of residents at the time of the writing of the Plan. Don Sherwood and Jeremy
Brennecke spoke in opposition to the request and Ken Huber spoke in favor. Mr. Verbanec stated that if
the 4 acre parcel were to be divided, two campers per parcel would be allowed. Mr. Joslin reminded the
Board that the Town Land Division Ordinance did not allow for a division until 5 years had passed from
the previous division. Since the parcel was created two years ago, no further division would be allowed
for three years. Adam moved and Bill seconded to deny the request. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry Mount and Darla Francis were in attendance requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a
private licensed campground. Since this request was discussed along with the previous request there
was little more discussion from the meeting attendees and the board felt that the same reasons for
denial as previously noted applied equally to this request. Adam moved and Bill seconded to deny the
request. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry Mount and Darla Francis are additionally requesting to rezone 5.6 acres of the property in question
from A-3 to R1-LL. This would allow for division of the property in order to construct at least two
homes. This request is in accordance with the Town Comprehensive Plan and division of the property
would not need further approvals from the Plan Commission or Town Board. Mr. Sherwood asked how
many divisions of the property were to be allowed and was told that due to the terrain it was likely only
two, however a surveyor would be able to determine that. Mr. Sherwood also asked if the land had had
a perc test done. Chairman Wolfram told him the that neither the Town Plan Commission nor the Town
Board had any control or interest in that issue. The County Planning and Zoning Department and State
of Wisconsin had jurisdiction over such matters. Bill moved and Adam seconded to approve the rezone
request. The motion carried unanimously.
Tory reported that a farm entrance sign had been requested for Golden Ave. The Clerk reported that
the ATV Ordinance and amendments, along with a map, needed to be sent to the DNR and County
Sheriff. This will be taken care of shortly. He also noted that the SAM account for FEMA payments had
been updated, in the unlikely event it will be needed again. He also relayed a report of a culvert on 4 th
just south of Golden Ave. that needed attention.
Ken Huber requested that someone be hired to spray herbicide on the brush along the roadsides.
The agenda for the next meeting shall include petitioning the County for Bridge Aid to offset some of the
costs associated with replacing the culverts on 1 st Lane and Golden Avenue.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 17 th at 7:00 p.m.
Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk
The August meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, the
20 th of August by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had been posted in
three locations, emailed to those on record as requesting such notification, and posted on the Town
web site.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam Watson
and second by Supervisor Bill Ebert.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was approved with a motion by Bill
and second by Adam.
The chairman invited those in attendance to ask appropriate questions and make pertinent comments
on the various agenda items through the course of the meeting.
Gasser’s have not yet begun work on 4 th south of 23. The collapsed culvert on 1 st Lane has been
replaced. Work on Golden Ave is progressing. Bill asked if there was a possibility of paving a short
portion of Golden where it is so broken up, even though paving of the road is expected next year. It was
agreed that the final roadside mowing be commenced after October 1 st .
Lois Tucker was in attendance requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to remove an obsolete
mobile home and replace with a new one. No one spoke in opposition and the request was approved
unanimously with a motion by Bill and second by Adam. The thoughts expressed were that this would be
an improvement for everyone concerned.
Kevin Jensen was in attendance requesting approval of rezoning parts of two parcels from A1-35 to A-3
to allow for construction of a new home. The property has access to Hwy 23. No one spoke in
opposition and the request was approved unanimously with a motion by Adam and second by Bill.
Travis Verbanec was in attendance requesting, on behalf Paula Welch, for approval of a Conditional Use
Permit to allow for a licensed private campground. Pete Joslin, Chairman of the Town Plan Commission,
spoke in opposition stating it would not be wise for the Town to get into the business of regulating
private campgrounds and approving one request for such use would open the door for future similar
requests. He stated that the Town Comprehensive Plan included no provision for more campgrounds,
based on a survey of residents at the time of the writing of the Plan. Don Sherwood and Jeremy
Brennecke spoke in opposition to the request and Ken Huber spoke in favor. Mr. Verbanec stated that if
the 4 acre parcel were to be divided, two campers per parcel would be allowed. Mr. Joslin reminded the
Board that the Town Land Division Ordinance did not allow for a division until 5 years had passed from
the previous division. Since the parcel was created two years ago, no further division would be allowed
for three years. Adam moved and Bill seconded to deny the request. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry Mount and Darla Francis were in attendance requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a
private licensed campground. Since this request was discussed along with the previous request there
was little more discussion from the meeting attendees and the board felt that the same reasons for
denial as previously noted applied equally to this request. Adam moved and Bill seconded to deny the
request. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry Mount and Darla Francis are additionally requesting to rezone 5.6 acres of the property in question
from A-3 to R1-LL. This would allow for division of the property in order to construct at least two
homes. This request is in accordance with the Town Comprehensive Plan and division of the property
would not need further approvals from the Plan Commission or Town Board. Mr. Sherwood asked how
many divisions of the property were to be allowed and was told that due to the terrain it was likely only
two, however a surveyor would be able to determine that. Mr. Sherwood also asked if the land had had
a perc test done. Chairman Wolfram told him the that neither the Town Plan Commission nor the Town
Board had any control or interest in that issue. The County Planning and Zoning Department and State
of Wisconsin had jurisdiction over such matters. Bill moved and Adam seconded to approve the rezone
request. The motion carried unanimously.
Tory reported that a farm entrance sign had been requested for Golden Ave. The Clerk reported that
the ATV Ordinance and amendments, along with a map, needed to be sent to the DNR and County
Sheriff. This will be taken care of shortly. He also noted that the SAM account for FEMA payments had
been updated, in the unlikely event it will be needed again. He also relayed a report of a culvert on 4 th
just south of Golden Ave. that needed attention.
Ken Huber requested that someone be hired to spray herbicide on the brush along the roadsides.
The agenda for the next meeting shall include petitioning the County for Bridge Aid to offset some of the
costs associated with replacing the culverts on 1 st Lane and Golden Avenue.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 17 th at 7:00 p.m.
Adam moved and Bill seconded for adjournment. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Town Clerk