TB minutes 9-17-20
Minutes of September 17, 2020 Meeting of the New Haven Town Board
The regular monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursday, September 17, 2020 at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had
been posted and sent electronically.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Supervisor Bill Ebert.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was approved with a motion
by Bill and second by Adam.
The Chairman invited any and all in attendance to make comments and ask questions as the
meeting progressed.
The Town has requested Culvert Aid from the County for the recently replaced culvert on 1 st
Lane to offset some of the unexpected cost. The culvert west of 5 th on Golden Ave. which was
collapsing has been replaced by the County Highway department and paving over the two
culverts on 1 st Lane has been completed. The culvert and drainage project on Golden Avenue is
nearing completion.
Mike Breitung appeared before the Board requesting Town approval for construction of a 280
square foot deck with reduced setback from the lakeshore on his property at 167 Golden Drive.
Landscaping for the project had been completed before Mr. Breitung was aware of the
necessity for a Variance to allow construction. The Board felt that allowing construction would
cause no hardship to anyone and that it would be in everyone’s best interest to approve of the
construction as planned. Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve the request. Motion
carried unanimously.
Aaron Girard appeared before the Board requesting approval to rezone 7 acres of parcel 022-
00079-0015 in the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 5, Lot 2 CSM 5858 from A1-35 to A-3 to allow
for construction of a home. Adam moved and Bill second for approval of the request. Motion
carried unanimously.
Jason Lindner appeared before the Board requesting Town approval to rezone 5 acres in Sec. 23
from A1-35 to A-3 to aid in sale of the house at 274 Glen Court and to rezone the remainder of
the parcel toA1-15. Two other parcels will be combined to form one A1-35 parcel. Adam
moved and Bill seconded for approval of the request. Motion carried unanimously.
Rocky Gilner requested that 5 th Avenue from Golden Ave north to County P and County P from
5 th Ave west to the Town Line be added to the list of approved ATV/UTV routes in the Town.
Eric Edwards of the ATV Club requested including more of County P and some of County G to
the routes as well. It was the consensus of the board that the routes should only be amended
to allow ATV/UTV access to the business located near the town line on County P at this time.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to have the Clerk draw up an amendment to the ATV ordinance
including the two previously mentioned roads and a resolution requesting the County to
approve the portion of County P to be discussed and decided at the next meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
Adam reported that patching is being done for the fall and that several signs are going to need
new posts. Bill mentioned that some of Royal Excavating’s trucks had been going too fast.
Conny asked that information to be included with the tax mailing be submitted next month.
The Clerk reported that Roland Jensen is willing to grade the gravel patches on Golden Ave for
the winter in lieu of wedging which would be torn up again next year anyway. The Clerk also
reported that requests had been made to keep the Transfer Site open on Wednesday evenings
through October and that the attendant is willing to do so with Board approval. The consensus
was that if the attendant wished to do so, it should be allowed.
Kilbourn Fire Chief Pat Gavinski presented the Board with the new Fire Department contract
amounts which will remain virtually unchanged from the previous contract.
Bills were presented and approved for payment with a motion from Bill and second by Adam.
Future Agenda Items shall include possible action on repair to the culvert at the intersection of
23 and First by The Cove, information to include with the Tax Letter, ATV/UTV Ordinance
Amendment, and a Resolution requesting that Co. P from 5 th Ave to the Town line be an
ATV/UTV route.
The next meeting will be Thursday October 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the Chairman declared the meeting
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
The regular monthly meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursday, September 17, 2020 at the Town Hall by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that proper notice of the meeting had
been posted and sent electronically.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with a motion by Supervisor Adam
Watson and second by Supervisor Bill Ebert.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the Treasurer’s report which was approved with a motion
by Bill and second by Adam.
The Chairman invited any and all in attendance to make comments and ask questions as the
meeting progressed.
The Town has requested Culvert Aid from the County for the recently replaced culvert on 1 st
Lane to offset some of the unexpected cost. The culvert west of 5 th on Golden Ave. which was
collapsing has been replaced by the County Highway department and paving over the two
culverts on 1 st Lane has been completed. The culvert and drainage project on Golden Avenue is
nearing completion.
Mike Breitung appeared before the Board requesting Town approval for construction of a 280
square foot deck with reduced setback from the lakeshore on his property at 167 Golden Drive.
Landscaping for the project had been completed before Mr. Breitung was aware of the
necessity for a Variance to allow construction. The Board felt that allowing construction would
cause no hardship to anyone and that it would be in everyone’s best interest to approve of the
construction as planned. Adam moved and Bill seconded to approve the request. Motion
carried unanimously.
Aaron Girard appeared before the Board requesting approval to rezone 7 acres of parcel 022-
00079-0015 in the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 5, Lot 2 CSM 5858 from A1-35 to A-3 to allow
for construction of a home. Adam moved and Bill second for approval of the request. Motion
carried unanimously.
Jason Lindner appeared before the Board requesting Town approval to rezone 5 acres in Sec. 23
from A1-35 to A-3 to aid in sale of the house at 274 Glen Court and to rezone the remainder of
the parcel toA1-15. Two other parcels will be combined to form one A1-35 parcel. Adam
moved and Bill seconded for approval of the request. Motion carried unanimously.
Rocky Gilner requested that 5 th Avenue from Golden Ave north to County P and County P from
5 th Ave west to the Town Line be added to the list of approved ATV/UTV routes in the Town.
Eric Edwards of the ATV Club requested including more of County P and some of County G to
the routes as well. It was the consensus of the board that the routes should only be amended
to allow ATV/UTV access to the business located near the town line on County P at this time.
Adam moved and Bill seconded to have the Clerk draw up an amendment to the ATV ordinance
including the two previously mentioned roads and a resolution requesting the County to
approve the portion of County P to be discussed and decided at the next meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
Adam reported that patching is being done for the fall and that several signs are going to need
new posts. Bill mentioned that some of Royal Excavating’s trucks had been going too fast.
Conny asked that information to be included with the tax mailing be submitted next month.
The Clerk reported that Roland Jensen is willing to grade the gravel patches on Golden Ave for
the winter in lieu of wedging which would be torn up again next year anyway. The Clerk also
reported that requests had been made to keep the Transfer Site open on Wednesday evenings
through October and that the attendant is willing to do so with Board approval. The consensus
was that if the attendant wished to do so, it should be allowed.
Kilbourn Fire Chief Pat Gavinski presented the Board with the new Fire Department contract
amounts which will remain virtually unchanged from the previous contract.
Bills were presented and approved for payment with a motion from Bill and second by Adam.
Future Agenda Items shall include possible action on repair to the culvert at the intersection of
23 and First by The Cove, information to include with the Tax Letter, ATV/UTV Ordinance
Amendment, and a Resolution requesting that Co. P from 5 th Ave to the Town line be an
ATV/UTV route.
The next meeting will be Thursday October 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the Chairman declared the meeting
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kenneth Crothers, Clerk