TB minutes 9-18-14
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014-7:00 p.m.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all board members present.
This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law by being properly noticed. The agenda was approved with a motion by Brad Luger/Lenny Watson. M/C. Meeting minutes of the regular monthly town board meeting of August 21, 2014 and the special town board meeting of September 7, 2014 were approved with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. The financial report was read by the town Treasurer, with the following balances as of August 31, 2014: NOW account: $56,891.90, Berry Ridge Parking fees: $5,389.72, MMDA: .23, Tax account: Closed out, and CD: $19,668.61.
Public comment:
Concerns were expressed that Gale Ct. was raised years ago but was not correctly widened at that time causing most of the issues in the ditches, not the farming practices. Mr. Lindner asked if the north side of Glenn Lane could be mowed.
Old or unfinished business:
1) Authorize culvert, shoulder and ditching repair/modification on Gale Ct. approximately .25 miles East of 1st Lane and determine method of completion: Landowners were to advise the town board by the September 18, 2014 regular monthly town board meeting whether they are willing to accept option (A) discussed at the special town board meeting of Sept. 7, 2014. If not, the town board may proceed with option (B). Roy & Jane Gervais asked the town board to amend the two loads that the town would supply to help repair the ditch, as they stated the town agreed on Sept. 7, 2014 to supply 4 loads. All labor and materials for culvert extensions was agreed upon to be the responsibility of the town. Additionally landowners or agricultural tenant would provide the actual sloping of both sides of the road pursuant to Mr. Reichhoff’s direction and complete the same to his reasonable satisfaction. The landowners would also need to provide any fill necessary beyond the two truck loads provided by the town. Lenny Watson made a motion that the town pay 100% of the cost of repairs this time and if it happened again, the landowners would be responsible. This motion did not receive a second and no further action was taken. Brad Luger made a motion that was seconded by Mike Julson to work with the landowners on option (A) with an amendment that the landowner’s would not be held responsible for culvert or seeding washouts that happen due to the winter thawing and spring rains as the town would repair those if necessary, because of the late completion deadline of November 15, 2014 given to the landowners. M/C.
New business:
1) Quotes for snow removal on town roads, town hall & transfer site driveways: Motion by Luger to table these quotes until October as he has more questions for the County Highway Commissioner, seconded by Watson. M/C.
2) Sign inventory/ mowing and brushing of roads: Luger did an inventory of signs along town roads and found a lengthy list. The signs that could pose a safety issue will be updated at this time and Julson stated he would get prices of the other signs and installation for next meeting. Luger quoted Columbia County spray truck at $20.32 per hr., labor at approximately $45.00 per hr., and the tank sprayer at $52.00. Total per hr. approximately would be $117-$120 per hr. Chemical would be extra. This option of brush control will be considered next year.
3) Clerk of Circuit Court candidate- incumbent Kathleen Dye gave a brief presentation of her duties and qualifications. She has worked in this same office for 22 years. She was appointed to the position by Judge Pollex when Dianna Helmrick retired.
There were no reports from Town Chairman and the County Board representative was not present
Motion by Luger/Watson to approve the disbursements read by the town Clerk. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. by Luger/Watson until the next regular monthly town board meeting of October 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk
Town of New Haven
( These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on October 16, 2014.)
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014-7:00 p.m.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all board members present.
This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law by being properly noticed. The agenda was approved with a motion by Brad Luger/Lenny Watson. M/C. Meeting minutes of the regular monthly town board meeting of August 21, 2014 and the special town board meeting of September 7, 2014 were approved with a motion by Luger/Watson. M/C. The financial report was read by the town Treasurer, with the following balances as of August 31, 2014: NOW account: $56,891.90, Berry Ridge Parking fees: $5,389.72, MMDA: .23, Tax account: Closed out, and CD: $19,668.61.
Public comment:
Concerns were expressed that Gale Ct. was raised years ago but was not correctly widened at that time causing most of the issues in the ditches, not the farming practices. Mr. Lindner asked if the north side of Glenn Lane could be mowed.
Old or unfinished business:
1) Authorize culvert, shoulder and ditching repair/modification on Gale Ct. approximately .25 miles East of 1st Lane and determine method of completion: Landowners were to advise the town board by the September 18, 2014 regular monthly town board meeting whether they are willing to accept option (A) discussed at the special town board meeting of Sept. 7, 2014. If not, the town board may proceed with option (B). Roy & Jane Gervais asked the town board to amend the two loads that the town would supply to help repair the ditch, as they stated the town agreed on Sept. 7, 2014 to supply 4 loads. All labor and materials for culvert extensions was agreed upon to be the responsibility of the town. Additionally landowners or agricultural tenant would provide the actual sloping of both sides of the road pursuant to Mr. Reichhoff’s direction and complete the same to his reasonable satisfaction. The landowners would also need to provide any fill necessary beyond the two truck loads provided by the town. Lenny Watson made a motion that the town pay 100% of the cost of repairs this time and if it happened again, the landowners would be responsible. This motion did not receive a second and no further action was taken. Brad Luger made a motion that was seconded by Mike Julson to work with the landowners on option (A) with an amendment that the landowner’s would not be held responsible for culvert or seeding washouts that happen due to the winter thawing and spring rains as the town would repair those if necessary, because of the late completion deadline of November 15, 2014 given to the landowners. M/C.
New business:
1) Quotes for snow removal on town roads, town hall & transfer site driveways: Motion by Luger to table these quotes until October as he has more questions for the County Highway Commissioner, seconded by Watson. M/C.
2) Sign inventory/ mowing and brushing of roads: Luger did an inventory of signs along town roads and found a lengthy list. The signs that could pose a safety issue will be updated at this time and Julson stated he would get prices of the other signs and installation for next meeting. Luger quoted Columbia County spray truck at $20.32 per hr., labor at approximately $45.00 per hr., and the tank sprayer at $52.00. Total per hr. approximately would be $117-$120 per hr. Chemical would be extra. This option of brush control will be considered next year.
3) Clerk of Circuit Court candidate- incumbent Kathleen Dye gave a brief presentation of her duties and qualifications. She has worked in this same office for 22 years. She was appointed to the position by Judge Pollex when Dianna Helmrick retired.
There were no reports from Town Chairman and the County Board representative was not present
Motion by Luger/Watson to approve the disbursements read by the town Clerk. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. by Luger/Watson until the next regular monthly town board meeting of October 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk
Town of New Haven
( These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on October 16, 2014.)