TB minutes 9-20-18
Town of New Haven, Adams County, Wisconsin
Minutes of September 20th Regular Board Meeting
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00
p.m. on Thursday, September 20, 2018, at the Town Hall, by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had
been posted in three places and sent electronically to those who have requested such form of
Minutes of the regular and one special meeting were read and approved on a motion by
Supervisor Bill Ebert and a second by Supervisor Adam Watson.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the financial report which was approved on a motion by
Adam and second by Bill.
Chairman Wolfram invited all in attendance to ask pertinent questions and make appropriate
comments during the course of the meeting.
Due to the storm which has caused so much damage in the Town, the ditching and culvert
replacements on Golden Avenue have been delayed. Berry Ridge management is slowly
beginning to comply with our request for conspicuous lot number signs and paving of the
Cul-du-sac to improve safety and welfare of the residents of the Park.
Adding portions of County P and Gale Court east of 1st Lane were discussed. Pat Hickey,
representing the ATV/UTV club spoke in favor of the additions and no one spoke against.
Adam moved and Bill seconded a motion to approve Resolution 09-2-2018 requesting the
County to approve two portions of County P to the list of approved routes. The Clerk polled the
Board and all were in favor of the motion. Motion Carried.
Eva Kelly is requesting that two 20 acre parcels be rezoned from A1-35 to A1-15 to allow sale
of sixty acres and to combine the remainder to allow it to remain as A1-35. Eva and Kevin
Jensen explained the need for the rezoning and Bill moved with a second from Adam to
approve the request. Motion carried.
Resolution 09-2018 which states that the Board is in support of the upcoming School
Referendum to build a new High School was discussed. Bill moved and Adam seconded for
adoption of the resolution. The Clerk polled the board and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Adam reported that a new resident of the Town had taken garbage and recyclables to the
Transfer Site in black bags and was treated very rudely by the Attendant. She returned from
the Site with her garbage and contracted with a private garbage hauler. Adam suggested that
perhaps it is time to consider curbside pickup and using the Site only a couple times a year for
large appliances, tires, and etc… After discussion, it was decided that Adam should contact
businesses providing curbside pickup to see how the cost compares and discuss options at the
next meeting.
Agenda items for the next meeting shall include a presentation about the new drug
treatment court, Storm damage reports, approval of the County Zoning changes, and Transfer
Site options.
Next meeting shall be on October 18th at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Kenneth Crothers, Clerk
Minutes of September 20th Regular Board Meeting
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the New Haven Town Board was called to order at 7:00
p.m. on Thursday, September 20, 2018, at the Town Hall, by Chairman Tory Wolfram.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Clerk noted that notice of the meeting had
been posted in three places and sent electronically to those who have requested such form of
Minutes of the regular and one special meeting were read and approved on a motion by
Supervisor Bill Ebert and a second by Supervisor Adam Watson.
Treasurer Conny Crothers presented the financial report which was approved on a motion by
Adam and second by Bill.
Chairman Wolfram invited all in attendance to ask pertinent questions and make appropriate
comments during the course of the meeting.
Due to the storm which has caused so much damage in the Town, the ditching and culvert
replacements on Golden Avenue have been delayed. Berry Ridge management is slowly
beginning to comply with our request for conspicuous lot number signs and paving of the
Cul-du-sac to improve safety and welfare of the residents of the Park.
Adding portions of County P and Gale Court east of 1st Lane were discussed. Pat Hickey,
representing the ATV/UTV club spoke in favor of the additions and no one spoke against.
Adam moved and Bill seconded a motion to approve Resolution 09-2-2018 requesting the
County to approve two portions of County P to the list of approved routes. The Clerk polled the
Board and all were in favor of the motion. Motion Carried.
Eva Kelly is requesting that two 20 acre parcels be rezoned from A1-35 to A1-15 to allow sale
of sixty acres and to combine the remainder to allow it to remain as A1-35. Eva and Kevin
Jensen explained the need for the rezoning and Bill moved with a second from Adam to
approve the request. Motion carried.
Resolution 09-2018 which states that the Board is in support of the upcoming School
Referendum to build a new High School was discussed. Bill moved and Adam seconded for
adoption of the resolution. The Clerk polled the board and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Adam reported that a new resident of the Town had taken garbage and recyclables to the
Transfer Site in black bags and was treated very rudely by the Attendant. She returned from
the Site with her garbage and contracted with a private garbage hauler. Adam suggested that
perhaps it is time to consider curbside pickup and using the Site only a couple times a year for
large appliances, tires, and etc… After discussion, it was decided that Adam should contact
businesses providing curbside pickup to see how the cost compares and discuss options at the
next meeting.
Agenda items for the next meeting shall include a presentation about the new drug
treatment court, Storm damage reports, approval of the County Zoning changes, and Transfer
Site options.
Next meeting shall be on October 18th at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Bill moved and Adam seconded for adjournment and the meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Kenneth Crothers, Clerk